Stay Productive in Your Home Office – Get a System in Place

Businesswoman Working in Office at Home

Running a business from home is the dream for many entrepreneurs and business owners. While this has tremendous benefits, it requires a system in place to keep yourself organized and accountable. It can take time to get this system into place, but it is well worth the investment. Ultimately that extra time spent setting things up will save you time daily. I have some tips that help me stay productive in my home office that I want to share with you.

Have a Routine

Each day it is important to have a routine before work. It can be tempting to just pull your laptop onto the bed and start plugging away at e-mails. Starting the day right sets the tone for everything that follows. Make sure to wake up and give yourself time to have a cup of coffee, change into non-pajama clothing, and brush your teeth before that Zoom meeting. Even if you are not seen on video, this morning routine will help keep the work-life balance truly balanced. It will also keep you from blurring personal and work time. Make sure to schedule in transitions from work to home life so you can stay balanced.

Define Your Working Space

Next, you need to define your working space. When you are working from your home, distractions are everywhere. Creating a working space free of distractions will help you stay focused and productive. Make sure that space is stocked with anything you may need: office supplies, a surge protector, and any files or paperwork needed. If possible, this should be a private space with a door. Windows nearby are also a huge plus. If that is not an option for you, find a low traffic and quiet area to set up in. It is important to have a designated working area when you have a home office to help limit distractions and interruptions.

Keep It Clean and Organized

Once your home office is set up, make sure to keep it clean and organize it often. Doing so will stop your home office from descending into chaos. Make sure your space is clear of old coffee cups, things your kids have left on your work desk, and piles of unaddressed paperwork. Organizing daily will keep this task from becoming overwhelming. You cannot be productive if you cannot find things and are swamped by piles of documents surrounding you. Staying on top of this from the very beginning will keep you working smoothly and efficiently from home.

Establish Boundaries

About distractions, if you do not live alone, it is important to establish boundaries with the people in your house early on. It is valid to express your need for the bandwidth to complete work tasks uninterrupted. I like to schedule a movie or date night after work with my partner. That way, you are validating their need for your time but also able to nurture your relationship and maintain your boundaries for working at home.

Now, some distractions are bound to come up. The kids need lunch, the dog needs to be let out, and the sink repair guy needs to be let in. One thing I find helpful is to use those distractions as break times. Small breaks throughout the day are critical to succeeding from a home office. Your brain can only stay focused on a single task for a finite amount of time. When you feel you need a break from staring at the computer screen, take it. Using that break time to handle something that would otherwise be a distraction is an excellent time management tool that will help you stay productive at home.

To increase home office productivity and a maintain a distraction free zone, sign out of all social media apps during office hours. That way you cannot easily pull up an app and start scrolling with the click of the button. Create a barrier by making sure you do not have instant access to the accounts. This helps keep you accountable and off time-sucking apps. If you need to sign in for something work-related, do so. Once the task is completed, sign out. This simple act makes the allure of social media less tempting. When you see the log in screen, remind yourself not to fall into a distraction, and pivot to a work task.

Set Up a Calendar System

One of the most critical pieces to succeeding in your home office is a method for keeping your calendar and time managed. If you can afford a personal assistant, it may be wise to hire someone who can help keep all your tasks and events in order. If you cannot afford an assistant, start with a calendar application that you can link to your phone. Google Calendar and iCal are great tools for this. I use iCal where I can create multiple different calendars that I can color code. Using this, I can create calendars for my businesses as well as a personal calendar and see all my calendars at once. This not only helps you keep business and personal calendar items separate but it will also help you stay organized and make sure nothing is missed. You can set alarms within each calendar event to alert you when it is time to move onto the next task. Once you have your calendar system set up it will help you manage your time and tasks effectively.

Prioritize Your Tasks

No matter how organized your calendar may be, you will often find you have more tasks than you have time for. Crucial to success from your home office is prioritizing. You will have to make the call for certain things to be put on hold until time allows for these things to be addressed. I keep a list of things I have “on ice.” These things can be done at any time, and I do not stress about them when I need to prioritize. I also have a list of things I need “to do” that week, and a separate list of things I am “doing” that day. Next, I have a list of things I am “reviewing.” Once I have those lists, when time runs short, I can easily check them and focus on the most pressing matters.

Set Up Your Productivity Toolbox

Every worker needs their toolbox, and people who work from home are no exceptions. If you want to be productive, you need the correct resources and tools. To set yourself up to be productive from your home office, there are a few things your toolbox should include.

A comfortable and supporting chair is key to staying productive long term. Aches and pains from sitting in bed on your laptop can get in the way of getting things done. It drains your energy and divides your focus. Set yourself up so you are going to be comfortable day to day as you sit and work. Pair that with the right desk space to set yourself up for success.

It is worth considering getting a laptop and cell phone dedicated to work. This can be especially important if your business includes a lot of calling out. Not only will this stop your personal devices from getting clogged with work-related things, it will help maintain your overall work-life balance. On a related note, having devices dedicated for work can help keep you from being distracted by personal messages and social media during work hours. If it is something you can afford, integrating business-only devices into your home office can help keep you more productive every day.

Make sure your home office is set up on multiple video conferencing apps. I use Zoom to host all my meetings and even to host classes where I teach multiple clients at once. However, some clients really prefer Skype or FaceTime for virtual meetings. There are tons of apps to choose from: Slack; Google Hangouts; Pexip; Amazon Chime; and Gruveo. Choose one to set up all your meetings and calls through.

Buy a pair of great wireless headphones for home office use. Immediately, this frees up your hands while you are on calls. Wireless allows you to move around your home office untethered while on a call. If you are on a long call and can manage your calendar or e-mails while on it, it can increase your productivity and help you manage your time.

The most important thing to remember when creating your home office toolbox is to do what works for you. Find out what helps you stay on task and moving forward smoothly. Invest in those tools and strategies to get a home office that works best for you.

Final Thoughts

Home office productivity looks a little different for everyone. Find a routine that works for you. Have your home office set up so it can be as distraction-free as possible and keep that space organized. Have a method for managing your calendar as well as your to-do lists. These little things go a long way and will not only help you succeed at work but will also help you maintain a healthy work-life balance.

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Adam Lyons
Adam Lyons is a renowned world-class speaker on the subject of business and marketing. He has taken multiple businesses from zero to $1 Million in less than a year. He is a serial entrepreneur that has founded several businesses. He has also created a handful of channels and fan bases in a variety of niches. He's attracted over 160,000+ Facebook Followers, 86,000+ YouTube Followers and done lots of other things most people work at for years, with no luck. He has contacts across multiple sectors from finance to government, to E-commerce and more. He is available to help anyone with increasing profit, monetizing audiences, crisis media management and public relations. Companies he has worked with include PepsiCo, Nike, Nescafé, 6pack shortcuts, Real Social Dynamics and many more. Adam currently manages several businesses of his own while consulting for other businesses around the world. He can teach you how to properly automate your business and save you an additional 2-3 hours a day. He specializes in helping high-level businesses scale to the next level by putting the proper systems in place. Visit