How to Create a Successful Home Office

Efficient Workspace
Photo by Luke Peters on Unsplash

More people are working from home than ever before. Even before the pandemic hit, people saw the benefits of setting up a home office. In order to be successful, however, there are a few things you should consider to make the workspace efficient.

Choose a Dedicated Workspace to Reduce Distractions

For many, the biggest drawback of working from home is the constant barrage of distractions. If you don’t have a separate office in your home, choose a corner in a room that you can claim as your workspace. Make sure your family members understand that when you are sitting at your desk, you are not to be disturbed.

When you work in an office, you are probably given restrictions on accessing social networks. Many companies forbid the use of Facebook and Twitter during work hours. Unfortunately, when you work at home, those restrictions aren’t as easy to enforce. To reduce the temptation of being distracted by social media, consider removing those accounts from your shortcuts and log out of each network before you begin your workday. That way, you won’t be tempted to check your Twitter feed during the day.

Pick Ergonomic Furniture

Since you plan to spend at least 8 hours a day at your desk, you must choose comfortable furniture that won’t hurt your back. Consider the following options, if your budget allows. If it doesn’t, talk to your boss about the possibility of company reimbursement.

Computer workstation

The desk doesn’t need to be large, but it needs to be able to contain your computer monitor, keyboard, phone, and enough additional space for some paperwork and a desk lamp. The ideal ergonomic desk is adjustable so that you are able to alternate between sitting and standing throughout the day. Sitting all day in one position can be bad for your spine. By alternating your position every hour or two, you will increase blood flow and reduce muscle weariness.

Ergonomic chair

These chairs typically have backrests that give lumbar support. They can also be adjusted to fit your body. The chair height should be set so that your forearms are parallel with the floor, and your elbows are bent at 90 degrees.

Curved keyboard

This ergonomic keyboard allows the forearms and wrists to rest at a more normal angle than traditional keyboards.


Select lighting that will reduce the strain on your eyes. If your computer screen is near an outside window, the glare can cause problems as well. If so, think about getting an anti-glare screen.

Consider High-Tech Solutions for Speed

After you have set up a comfortable and dedicated workspace, you need to select the right work from home technologies for maximum efficiency. One item you should think about is a new router. Since you started working from home, your router is working much harder than it did before. Routers have improved significantly in the past few years, so if yours is more than 5 years old, you might want to think about a new model.

A Wi-Fi booster is a helpful purchase if your current internet connection is weak in some areas of the house. If the signal has to travel through a few walls, this will slow your internet speed.

Before you begin your workday, track down all the devices in your home that are connected to the internet. Turn off any phones, tablets, and other mobile devices that aren’t needed during the day. Talk to the kids about reducing their internet activity while you work as well.

With the technology available, it is easier than ever to work from home. Just make sure your workspace is highly efficient.

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