Presence in a Prestigious Location: Why a Virtual Address Could Be Right for You

Close up of hands using laptop with digital business

Running a startup or a small business can take its financial toll and if a project is in its early stages, office space is often an expense too far. This can create a chicken and egg scenario that’s hard to break: a company without a reputable business address might struggle to grow, and a company that struggles to grow can’t afford office space.

But there’s a simple solution to this vicious cycle. By renting a virtual office, a business can give the impression of a firmly established, economically prospering company, at a fraction of the price that a physical office would cost. The services offered by a virtual office can be tailored to a business’s specific needs: Call forwarding, call answering, available meeting rooms and a virtual address can be purchased individually or as an inclusive package.

A virtual office will help a business to:

Give the right impression

Being based in a prestigious, urban location will give your clients the right impression. In the embryonic stages of what was to become his business empire, former Dragon’s Den panellist James Caan had a Pall Mall office so small that he could barely close the door. Despite its size, Caan prioritised creating a metropolitan impression with the location of his office, and it paid off.

Nowadays, virtual offices mean that nobody needs to operate out of a cupboard in central London. A business can be run from a suburban, residential location, but the offices can be registered in the city centre. Virtual addresses are popular internationally as well. For instance, entrepreneurs looking to establish a presence in Japan will often turn to services like MailMate, which provides reputable virtual addresses for company registration.

Stay on budget

A virtual office costs much less than renting a physical space, but the savings made won’t impact the financial rewards that come with having a virtual address. Giving the impression that your business is based in a distinguished location can lend it an air of esteem which will draw in clients. Only paying for the services you need can reduce unnecessary costs, so purchasing a personalised package is economically astute. For instance, a business that doesn’t tend to need a conference room may require call answering. These discretionary services will limit additional expenses.

Preserve home security

Anyone wanting to keep their house a home whilst running a business out of the living room faces a dilemma: how to maintain privacy without sacrificing company transparency. This can be solved by investing in virtual office space.

Businesses that might be storing their own inventory open themselves up to crime if they’re forced to list a home address. Registering a limited company means its details will become widely available, so listing a virtual office can be the best way to ensure the security of your home.

Another tangible benefit of a virtual office is that post can be forwarded to a home address. Pigeon holes are often provided on location, but, as the mantra goes, ‘time is money’, so anyone looking to save time shuttling back and forth from their virtual base can purchase services that help them stay put.

Get on Google

Google is supposedly cracking down on the listings of virtual offices with Google My Business. But, so long as a virtual office is staffed during a company’s normal business hours, it can be registered with Google Plus Local.

After following registration procedure, a business will have a ‘map pin’, allowing their virtual location to be shown on Google Maps. This will improve their visibility, generate website traffic and generally lend a business greater weight online. Clients searching for services near them will usually be led to the local business listings provided by Google Plus Local.

Access meeting rooms

Many virtual offices will offer meeting rooms, which are available at hourly rates. Like a virtual address, these services can be instrumental in creating the right impression. If a business’s real location is noisy, dingy, small or generally not fit for purpose, a readily available conference or meeting room can be an invaluable resource.

A business certainly shouldn’t be style over substance; but substance without style can fail to stand out. In a competitive industry, an amateur appearance can seriously restrict a company’s growth. A virtual address can be the route to success; it’s a cost-effective way to inspire confidence, present an air of professionalism, and ensure that your business’s appearance reflects its calibre.

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