Translating Your Website for Successful International Trade

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Website translation is essential for entry and fruitful business operations in international markets. Learn more about this trend and where you can get excellent translations.

Why Translating Your Website Is the Next Big Thing in Marketing

Marketing dynamics keep changing by the day. A few years back, focusing on local markets would have been rewarding as far as online business goes. However, doing this today is not enough for cutting the mustard. With each passing day, more and more brands enter the market all set to make a profit. As such, competition has become quite stiff, and thanks to the translating of websites, big firms from other parts of the globe can now compete for your local audience in a bid to stay ahead of their competition.

What can you do to stay ahead of the curve? You need to do what other well-known brands have been doing over the past few years. Like them, you should be translating your site to ensure that you take your business to other territories. But before that, you need to understand why the demand for translation services keeps going up, why translation is the next step for business growth, and most importantly, why translating must be done properly.

Why Translation Services Are on an Ever-Increasing Demand

Companies from across the globe are keen on translating their websites to ensure that they do not lag behind their competitors when it comes to online business. See, while English remains a widely used language, only 32.8 percent of internet visitors are English-speakers. Moreover, over half of all searches on Google are made in another language.

As such, limiting your site to English can make you miss out on doing business with more than half of the internet population. In turn, this will limit your company’s revenue potential as well as growth. Many marketing decision-makers have already caught on to this fact, hence the stark increase in the demand for site translation services.

Translating a website comes with tons of benefits. It broadens the audience that is served by a particular website. On any day, consumers will be attracted to a site that uses their language. Such websites show that the business has the initiative to implement strategies that improve the experience of customers. As such, consumers will be more likely to trust these companies and be ready for business with these enterprises.

Another advantage of translating your website is that it increases business income. With translation, you improve communication with your audience, which is essential for several things. For instance, communicating in the appropriate language can help you promote a new product effectively, educate your target demographic about your company, and nurture your leads. All these factors have a positive impact on your business’s conversion rates.

Translation Is a Necessary Step for Growth

While you may be not be operating at a loss, your profits might have reduced significantly due to the entry of other competitors in your niche. And given that you are in business, growth and constant progress ought to be your main motivators. You do not want to confine your company to a certain level, do you?

Translating your business is a cost-effective way to expand the reach of your business as well as advertising your products and services. Real-life enterprises have shown that you can never go wrong with translation as far as business growth is concerned. For example, Neil Patel (founder of Crazy Egg, Quick Sprout, Hello Bar, and Kissmetrics) realized a 47 percent traffic increase within three weeks after deciding to convert the content on his blog into 82 different languages. This case study alone makes a strong argument on the importance of translating your website for boosting visibility.

Apart from appealing to a foreign audience effectively, translating your site will optimize it for search engines. In countries such as France and Japan, and respectively are the leading search engines. Therefore, this means that for your content to rank highly in such regions, you need to convert your site language effectively enough.

In addition to translating your website, incorporating the culture of the region will go a long way in extending your marketing reach in other territories. Be sure to use appropriate images, themes, email content, text articles, and so forth. By doing this, you will speed up trust development between your brand and the new target market. This will help online businesspeople especially, such as cryptocurrency traders looking to share their skills. For example, if you are a Bitcoin trader and are coaching others on the trade, having a website that is translated for various regions will establish legitimacy and trust.

Why Translating Must Be Done Properly

Translating your website is good for your business only when you do it right. Mistranslation is one of the communication blunders that will go a long way in ruining the image of your company. As a business owner, you will want to avoid communication mishaps at all costs, given that 29 percent of customers change shop due to flawed communication.

Wrong translations can cause miscommunication to occur. As a businessperson, you want to win the business of new customers by providing them with information in a clear and direct way. Mistranslation betrays your intent and might end up confusing them, thus discouraging them from doing business with your brand.

How can you translate your website correctly? You need to work with a service that offers high-quality translations such as Translate. This translation gem comes with a variety of unique tools that make it easy for you to convert your web page content into over 90 languages. Some of the outstanding products you can utilize are:

  • The website localizer: For localizing your business website quickly.
  • API: Allows external apps to order human-generated translations for texts.
  • Integrations: your site can be easily integrated with 30+ applications and CMS’s plugins for Magento, Joomla, WordPress, etc.


As far as global advertising goes, high-quality translations are the key to success in a global market. With well-translated texts on your site, you will form a strong connection with your international audience. And given that not many businesses are translating their websites, doing so can give your company an edge over them as you try to establish your brand in a new territory.

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