How To Make Your Brand’s Website Wildly More Engaging

how to make your brand's website
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

If you want to get more customers, you need an engaging website. You could have the best social media, PPC ads and products, but if your website isn’t up to scratch, you’ll struggle to convert. 

Websites are evolving and the way brands are using them is changing. Pages are no longer merely a repository of information, but a tool to convey narratives, tell stories, and move people down the sales funnel towards conversion. 

Transforming your website to make it more engaging is tremendously challenging for most firms. It often takes several weeks of effort to bring it up to scratch to make it more effective. 

However, there are shortcuts, which we detail in this post. You’ll learn how to improve the user experience, what content you should focus on producing, and some of the little tricks and tips for boosting engagement along the way. So, what should you do? 

Stay Consistent

The first step is to ensure your site is consistent. You want to maintain your brand voice as much as possible, regardless of the subject matter. 

Avoid using multiple themes across your website, social media, and email. Instead, stick to a defined pattern and use that whenever you communicate with your audience. Use visuals to improve understanding and boost trust. 

Also, use the same style of writing across your content. Ensure you stick to a familiar voice to avoid confusing your audience. Switching from ultra-professional to ultra-casual isn’t a good look. 

Respond To Feedback

If you get feedback on your website pages, respond to it. Promptly dealing with concerns improves the user experience and enables you to resolve issues rapidly instead of letting them fester. 

When responding to feedback, demonstrate to users that you care about their experience. Show them it matters to you and that you’re taking action to improve functionality. 

If they ask for features, go to a website designer to discuss feasibility. Most things they will ask for are already available as add-ons or plug-ins on the majority of website platforms. This ensures you have an engaging website.

Analyze And Test

You also want to get into the habit of analyzing and testing your website to see if it is performing as you expect. Tracking relevant metrics and how they change after you intervene provides helpful data to see what’s working and what’s not. 

Over time, you’ll want to try various approaches to managing your website’s engagement. The more you can experiment, the better the picture you will build and the more comprehensive your approach. 

Focus On Creating Valuable Content

The next piece of advice for making your brand’s website wildly more engaging is to focus on value. You want to give audiences what they want instead of churning out generic content they won’t read. 

As a company, this often requires thinking a little out of the box. The best approach is to drill down and figure out what your audience’s core pain points are. The more you can understand these, the clearer the picture you’ll have of what you should provide them. 

Ideally, you want content to do one of two things: 

  • Address the concerns they have about a particular topic
  • Help them overcome a particular problem while directing them towards your services

If you can explain the value proposition thoroughly, most people will ultimately wind up buying from you. And to do that, you’ll need tailored content precisely targeted to their needs. 

Incorporate Multimedia

Another way to make your website wildly more engaging is to add multimedia to your pages. Visually compelling elements break up the text and appeal to a wider subset of people (beyond those just looking for a block of text). 

How you include multimedia is entirely up to you and depends considerably on what you are selling. If you want people to buy your holidays, for example, showing pictures of the resort and destination could be helpful. 

Likewise, if you want to sell an online course on investing in the stock market, then graphs and interactive charts might help. You could even include videos embedded on your blog pages to explain your ideas more fully in words. 

If you decide to do this, ensure you use the proper tools, like PHP scripts. The more polish you can add to your multimedia elements, the better. 

Enable User Interaction

Another tactic to make your brand’s website wildly more engaging is to enable user interaction. Allowing people on the site to talk to you can be a powerful way to drive sales and conversions.

How you do this depends on the type of business you run. However, you should attempt to do this within the website itself. 

The best sites use comment sections, interactive polls, and live chat to keep communication channels open. Some also use on-site webinars or portals in subscribers/members sections. 

Show Off Your Expertise

You can also try showing off your expertise on your website. Posting links on social media forwarding people to your site’s content can increase traffic and help grow an audience from nothing quickly. 

The best way to demonstrate your expertise to users and Google is to showcase a qualification or professional affiliation. Connecting yourself to someone who already has authority fast-tracks your website to success and can even boost SEO.

Make CTAs Highly Visible

Making CTAs more visible is another thing you can try if you’re struggling to make your brand’s website more engaging. Making it obvious where users should click to take the next step can help your cause tremendously.

You can use calls-to-action (CTAs) for numerous reasons, including telling them to subscribe to a newsletter or contact you to make a purchase. However, the underlying goal is to direct your website visitors instead of leaving them guessing. You want them to know what to do next at every stage of the conversion journey. 

Wrapping Up

So, there you have it: some of the techniques you can use to make your brand’s website wildly more engaging. Usually, you’ll find that a combination of tactics is more effective than implementing a single policy. However, it can make it harder to what ultimately had the positive effect you wanted.

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