11 Elements to Use on a Sales Brochure for Your Home Business


By John Jantsch

Every small business should create the following pieces of information and format them in a way that allows them to be printed inexpensively and updated often.

Create an electronic PDF version that can be opened and saved you’re your web site. The core components of a sales brochure are:

1. A Pocket Folder: A multi-use workhorse, this piece alone, if designed well, can send the message that you are in business to stay. This one will cost a little but it has many uses.

2. A Marketing Kit Template Page: This should be a professionally printed piece that carries your logo and contact information but is different than your letterhead. This is the base piece for the pages you insert into your pocket folder.

3. The Difference Page: Hit them with how you are different, and shower them with benefits of doing business with you. Don’t tell them what you do. Identify the top 3 or 4 things that you do that your target market will value. Think of benefits that are unique.

4. Deeper Differences: Now take each core difference, and tell the reader in greater detail why and how that difference is important.

5. A List of Services/Products: Okay, now tell them what you do or what you offer.

6. Deeper Product/Service Descriptions: Go into detail on each of your product or service offerings. Describe both features and benefits.

7. Case Studies: Pick representative clients or industries, and outline how your product or service solved someone else’s challenge. State the situation, the problem, your solution, the result.

8. Testimonials: Get quotes from real live clients, and create a page titled, “See what others have to say about us.” These quotes can be some of the strongest selling tools you have. New technologies make it easy to create audio and video testimonials, too.

9. Client List: In some cases, just simply listing who else you do business with can present a compelling case.

10. Process Description: Show them how you do what you do. Create detailed checklist and flow charts that show them how you keep your promise.

11. Your Story: Many companies have interesting or even gut wrenching histories. Tell them your story in an open, honest, and entertaining way, and you will win their hearts as well as their heads.

John Jantsch is a marketing coach and creator of the Duct Tape Marketing System. For more information visit www.DuctTapeMarketing.com.
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