The Top Custom Packaging Design Tips

Package Design

Are you looking to design custom packages for your customers?

Custom packages can be extremely beneficial for your business. They can help you tell your brand’s story, create an awesome customer experience, and differentiate yourself from your competition.

But, in order to reap the benefits of custom packaging, you need to come up with an awesome design. Check out this guide to discover the top custom packaging design tips.

1. Work with the Right Manufacturer

Even if you have the best package design in the world, it won’t matter unless you’re working with a quality manufacturer.

So, before you dive into creating your designs, spend some time researching manufacturers to find one that’s the best fit for your company. To make things easier, we suggest working with a one stop manufacturer for custom packaging & labeling.

Working with just one manufacturer will typically be less expensive, and it’ll make it easier for you to keep everything in order.

We also suggest looking for manufacturers that have worked with businesses similar to yours, as well as businesses of similar sizes and shipping needs.

2. Focus on Telling Your Story

When creating a custom packaging design, the main thing you want to focus on is telling your brand’s story. Your packaging design should incorporate elements that your customers will associate with your brand. For example, if you use a lot of bright colors when branding, your packaging should also contain a lot of bright colors that match your color palette.

If your branding focuses on sleekness and minimalism, then your packaging design should have a similar focus.

3. Keep Things Simple

Even if your brand is all about bright colors and loud designs, you still want to focus on keeping your packaging simple.

At the end of the day, a package is a package. If your packaging is overcomplicated, you’re only going to frustrate your customers. So, focus on a packaging design that is appealing, but doesn’t come with too many bells and whistles.

4. Keep Typography in Mind

When creating a custom package design, it’s also important to keep typography in mind. Remember, typography is an important branding element. If the typography on your package strays too far from your brand’s image, then that will throw off your customers. Try to keep the typography on your packages in line with the typography you use in your marketing materials.

Also, make sure that the typography you use on your packaging is easy to read so customers don’t have any issues unwrapping or using their new products.

5. Go Green

Environmental-friendliness is becoming a top priority for more and more customers. In fact, a recent study found that 88% of customers will be more loyal to a company that supports environmental issues.

Additionally, 87% of consumers say they’ll buy a product with an environmental benefit if given the opportunity. And, 92% of consumers say that they trust companies more if they show support for environmental issues.

When designing your custom packaging, keep these statistics in mind. Most people are looking for packages that they can recycle, or at the very least, packages that come with minimal waste.

6. Scope Out the Competition

Just as you check out the competition before you create a new marketing campaign, so too should you check out the competition before creating a new packaging design.

The last thing you want is to create a design that’s eerily similar to your competition. By checking out your competition’s packaging design, you can make sure you’re not accidentally copying them. Checking out your customers’ designs is also a good way to gather inspiration and see what’s working and what isn’t working in your industry.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to create some awesome custom packaging! Be sure to check back in with our blog for more tips and tricks on making your business stand out!

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