Are You Seeking Gainful Employment?

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Seeking employment or changing careers can be stressful if you don’t do it strategically.

Here are some things to help you get through those trying times.

  • Make sure your LinkedIn profile stands out; always include a decent smiling photo of yourself. You can find many tips online.
  • Keep all of your social media content very professional. This doesn’t mean that you can’t add any humor — just make sure that it’s clean.
  • Avoid getting into strife with others in a professional forum. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion; handle all disagreements tactfully.
  • Offer likes and valuable comments on other people’s posts. This shows that you’re supportive, resourceful and a team player.

There are many places where you can register and upload your resume online for free.

Have You Tried?

  • LinkedIn’s Keyword Career Search Job Engine?
  • Indeed .com?
  • Careerbuilders .com?
  • Your State Labor Department Office/ Website?
  • SEEK?
  • Your present or previous college alumni? Career center?
  • Your local chamber of commerce?
  • Temp agencies?
  • A professional recruiting firm?
  • Contacted past colleagues?
  • Placing a small ad in your local newspaper?
  • Posting on Twitter?
  • Posting on Instagram?
  • Your local library for employment postings?
  • Talking to family, relatives, and friends?
  • Contacting your previous managers for referrals?

Interview Preparation 

Another important step in your career search is the interview.

Make sure you:

  • Research the company’s history.
  • Research the CEO, founder, or interviewer’s history.
  • Make note of any recent or past company awards.
  • Google your niche interview questions and practice with a partner.
  • Have a clean copy of your resume.
  • Have good references.
  • Know the dress code.
  • Understand the company’s brand or values.
  • Arrive at least 15 minutes early.

Your interview starts as soon as you enter the company doors. Make sure you’re polite and respectful to everyone you meet and greet.

  • Turn your phone off.
  • Greet the interviewer with a firm handshake, good eye contact, and a confident smile.
  • Sit up straight in your chair.
  • Answer all questions with relevance and confidence.
  • Ask the interviewer at least 3 questions.

For example:

  1. What excites you the most about your profession as an HR Recruiter?
  2. How do you view success for the person who holds this position?
  3. What do you see as being the greatest challenges for the first 30-90 days?

Try this as the interview is about to end.

Restate the value that you’re willing to bring to the company and say:

“Before we wind things up, if you hire me, as a gift to you I’ll make you and this department shine.’’

This phrase is an effective psychology move on your part.

Thank the interviewer and follow up with a thank-you note via email or simply by mailing it.

Always Have a Plan That’s S.M.A.R.T.



A=Achievable Actions

R=Realistic & Relevance

T=Time Bound

Can you think of anything to add to the list?

Please feel free to leave it in the comments section below.

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