What If Being You Is What Your Business Needs?

Photo by mentatdgt from Pexels

The 6 Traits All Authentic Business Leaders Learn to Embrace

In today’s shifting global economy, a business owner’s greatest asset is themselves. However, not many are bold enough to really step up, own what they know, and do business on their own terms.

You’ve made the decision to open your business and make the investment, and your business is an extension of you, so it stands to reason that applying your unique perspectives, abilities and instincts will be essential to the success of your business.

Doubt can creep in, and people may question your choices, but truly authentic leaders are those who pay attention to what excites them and trust their own instincts, even when it goes against the curve.

Here are 6 qualities that authentic business leaders embody to create truly successful businesses:

Courage to Fail

Courage is an absolute necessity for your success, allowing you to go beyond setbacks you may experience, or the risks of failure you are aware of and fear. Courage is also what it takes to smile when life is difficult and what allows you to stand strong when others want to put you down.

Your ability to make small shifts, continually improve, and to trust your choices gives you extremely valuable information that you can use for the next decision you need to make. Some of the most impactful lessons and discoveries have come from failures and in truth, an essential part of success!

Share Yourself

You have a voice and a say in this world. It’s okay to tell others what you think or how you feel about something. There is nothing wrong with having a different point of view and making the decision which may go against the grain of what others think. More often than not, you may not be alone in your point of view. It is possible that your insights and observations are similar to others who won’t speak up. Believing you are worthy of being listened to and encouraging others to voice their points of view will also encourage greater innovation in your business.

Be Interested

Our capacity to connect with others is paramount to business success. If you want to be interesting, if you want to engage effectively with the world and in business, you must be interested. Today, people are more connected than ever before – internet, Facebook, social media – and this has opened the landscape globally, far beyond how we once traditionally connected. It is also important that we do not lose the personal touch.

Be super curious about people, their lives, and engage in deeper, meaningful interactions. Be interested in others and ask them questions about what’s interesting in their life, what they like, and what’s fun for them. When you are interested, people will always think you are more interesting.

Be Aware and Don’t Judge

Being aware is more than just changing your mindset. Your mindset can only shift based on what you already have experienced, think, and know. Mindsets can limit your creative and innovative capacity because you tend to use your mind to judge, compare, criticize, and analyse. Judgements stop creativity, because anything that doesn’t match your belief or value system gets automatically dismissed. It is important to be aware of everything and judge nothing. Your awareness allows you to function without limits and recognize that judgments are simply opinions or perspectives that we choose to take.

Ask Quality Questions

The quality of the questions you ask determines the direction you will take. A true question leads to more questions, it is not about getting an answer or getting it right. When you ask a question, it brings awareness of more choices and new possibilities in your life and business. It cultivates a sense of curiosity about everything that comes your way – good and bad.

When a challenge arises don’t ask, “What is wrong with me? That was a stupid idea.” Ask, “What’s right about this I am not getting?” A quality question will always steer you away from judgment and allow you to remain continually open to greater ideas and new ways forward.

Be Present

Have you ever questioned your journey as a business owner? When you are meeting challenge after challenge, it may be a question that comes up often! At these times, it is important to become present with yourself and remember why you are in your business. Recognize that every choice you make creates something. You may not know exactly what it’s going to create, but you always have the power to continue asking questions and make more choices to create more and more. Acknowledge your past successes and your capacities in business and use them to create the future you want.

Not everyone is going to love or understand your business. But what matters most is that you do. Create your business to showcase what you know and what you can uniquely offer to your customers, supplier and industry. Have the courage to be as different as you are and bring all your uniqueness to the forefront, and you will create an impact that no one else can replicate.

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