Alexander Machkevitch: A Successful Teacher and Businessman

Photo by Visit Almaty from Pexels

“Teachers don’t earn much,” millions of people would say. However, we must correct you, as only those teachers who cannot apply their knowledge and skills to earn money end up earning little.

In the history of the post-Soviet area, there are almost no successful examples of prominent representatives of the Soviet intelligentsia who managed to become super successful after the collapse of the system that brought them up.

Consequently, Boris Berezovsky, a former doctor of science, remained in history as the most odious representative of the Russian oligarchy. On the other hand, a promising chemist named Mikhail Khodorkovsky was not taken to graduate school with the following explanation: “for his inability to work in experimental science.”

Of all the galaxy of representatives of large business, only one person was able to gain success in both science and business: Alexander Machkevitch. What was his secret to success? You will find answers to this and many other questions below.

Alexander Machkevitch: Family and Scientific Activity

The Machkevitch family has prominent representatives of the now-virtually-extinct Soviet intelligentsia class. Father Anton Azarievich is a famous Soviet doctor. A specialist in epidemiology, he has equipped and managed dozens of sanitary stations throughout Central Asia and is personally responsible for getting rid of the death stemming from many viral infections plaguing residents of villages cut off during the Soviet years. He was the author of the monograph “Hygiene of rural water supply”, which was used by the authorities and doctors until 2000.

The mother of Alexander Machkevitch was the famous lawyer, Rachel Yoffe, who received respect and the reputation as the most zealous advocate in court. She became famous for her oratory, her grace in building a strategy for representing the client’s interests, and her courage in communicating with representatives of the once-omnipotent Soviet prosecutor’s office. The mother of Alexander Machkevitch did not leave lawyer practice until she was very old, even after her son became a millionaire.

In memory of his mother, an outstanding lawyer, Alexander Machkevitch built the synagogue “Beit Rachel – Chabad Lubavich”.

Machkevitch family members are representatives of the Karaite ethnic group that managed to return to their historical homeland only in 2011. Alexander received Israeli citizenship under the repatriation program and has since spent a lot of time there, not forgetting about his first home, Central Asia, where he was able to become a scientist and businessman.

Alexander Machkevitch first became notable in 1981 at the age of 27, when he became the youngest candidate of science in the field of theory and history of pedagogy and psychology. Over the next seven years, the scientist devoted himself to the development of the Kyrgyz State University and the native pedagogical faculty, which he took care of even after leaving for business. It practices the theory described in scientific papers when organizing the work of the university and the formation of curricula. His achievements at the University of Bishkek are used today.

Alexander Machkevitch: The Establishment of Eurasian Resources Group and Humanitarian Activities

In 1988 when he was 34 years old, Alexander Machkevitch dramatically changed his life direction. “I always wanted more and realized that my knowledge and skills would be more effective if applied in free conditions. I had to give up my career at the university and start life anew in Kazakhstan, where I started managing the first enterprise from which the holding, now known to millions as the Eurasian Resources Group, grew up,” says the billionaire about personal motivations when changing careers and life.

The understanding of human psychology and organizational abilities gained in teaching allowed Alexander Machkevitch to become the owner of a fortune estimated at more than three billion dollars. His enterprises in the fields of mining and processing of mineral resources, metallurgy, logistics, finance, and insurance, according to some estimates, form from 5 to 10% of the total GDP of Kazakhstan.

For his contribution to the development of the country’s economy, Alexander Machkevitch was awarded the Order of Barys, the Order of Kurmet, and the Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh.

He is considered one of the most active and generous philanthropists in the Eurasian space, having spent at least $100 million on humanitarian, cultural, and educational initiatives.

Among the projects of Alexander Machkevitch that are worth mentioning are the construction of the largest synagogue in Central Asia, “Beit Rachel – Chabad Lubavich”, a temple in Aktobe in honor of St. Nicholas the Confessor, the rehabilitation center “Beit Shmuel” and, naturally, the creation of the Jewish Congress of Kazakhstan and the presidency in the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress.

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