Cannabis Seed Preservation Tips for Growers

Marijuana Seeds

Growers that grow just a few plants at a time in their outdoor or indoor garden are likely to have some cannabis seeds leftover from every purchase. To ensure the viability of these seeds over a period of time as you grow your business, these seeds must be preserved in the right conditions and containers. With their tough outer shell, cannabis seeds appear pretty hardy. Though they can withstand many different conditions, these seeds are not invincible. High humidity and quick temperature changes can ruin the seeds completely. When properly cared for, cannabis seeds can remain viable for up to three years.

Best Conditions for Storage:

According to information available at i49, a renowned cannabis seed bank, the ideal place to preserve cannabis seeds is a cool, dry, and dark place. The presence of direct light and increased humidity and temperature will trigger germination and use up the dormant nutrients present in the seeds before they can be used for the intended purpose. Therefore, eliminating light and maintaining low humidity as well as temperature is critical to the longevity of cannabis seeds.

  • Ensure that the humidity of your seed storage area is between 6% and 9%. You may also leave the seeds unopened in its original packaging of medical-grade glass. If you unpack the seeds before preservation, remember that humidity levels above 12% may lead to the formation of fungi on the seeds.
  • Preservation of cannabis seeds also demands a stable temperature with minimum fluctuations. For short-term storage, even a dark cupboard with no or very little temperature fluctuation would do the job. For long-term storage, you may use a fridge or freezer that is rarely opened. Opening the fridge multiple times may lead to temperature fluctuations that can be potentially damaging.

Where to Store?

Though the ideal storage conditions are required only for long-term preservation, it is advisable to store all cannabis seeds assuming that they will be preserved for a long time. This will ensure that the seeds remain viable, regardless of when they are used.

Your container for the preservation of marijuana seeds needs to be vacuum-sealed or airtight. Black film canisters can be used for short-term storage because they have a good seal and are completely lightproof. However, if you are looking for long-term preservation, glass or metal is preferable. Humidity control is extremely difficult when using plastic containers because their porous nature allows moisture to pass through.

Best Seeds to Preserve:

Regardless of their lineage, the cannabis strains that are heartier tend to remain viable for a longer period of time. However, before storage, it is important to check the seeds for cracks. Seeds that have surface damage are likely to have reduced longevity, and it is better to plant these seeds within a few weeks.

Before they are preserved, ensure that the seeds are completely dry. Put the dry seeds in the container and label the container with the date, the strain, and the number of seeds being stored.

How to Preserve?

A dark cupboard located in a relatively cool area is good enough to preserve your cannabis seeds for up to three years. However, in this storage method, you must be prepared to deal with fluctuation in temperature between different times of the day as well as different seasons. A fridge can provide you a more stable temperature.

Once you reach the desired temperature, if possible, keep the seeds at this temperature until they are germinated. This holds true regardless of where you store the seeds. Remember that temperature fluctuations can activate the stage of germination and ruin viable seeds.

When cannabis seeds are preserved for several years, they are likely to take a longer time to germinate. It is also possible that some seeds may not develop roots at all. Therefore, if your plan is to plant just a few seeds at a time, it is better to purchase a smaller package.

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