What to Ask Before Hiring an SEO Agency Consultant: Melbourne Pros Weigh In

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Need to get more visitors to stop and shop at your online storefront? If you are looking to increase your visibility, you are probably looking everywhere for a good reliable SEO optimization expert. There are tons of agencies online that you can choose from, but how do you choose the best one?

That depends on what you specifically need. But there are some universal things to keep in mind before you sign any contract. Our team was visiting Australia this month and had a chance to talk to some experts about this topic. Check out what SEO consultants themselves wish their clients would get smart about.

Ask for a list of clients, present and past

If a consultant is legitimate and has any good reputation to speak of, then a list of former and current clients should be no big deal to share. Obviously, there would be some aspects of business that they would keep secret, owing to professional ethics. You can learn more about what that is and the different kinds there are in this comprehensive article. A list of references will go a long way in figuring out the consultants’ effectiveness, credibility, and communication skills.

It is also proof that they were indeed the ones to work on a given project for a particular company or individual. Make sure that you get the contact information of these clients as well. Ask them what impact the consultant’s work had on their ranking in different search engines. Ask them if they gained a bigger audience, and if there was a bigger conversion rate. Be prepared that they will not tell you any specific analytic data, but you should at least be able to glean a general upwards or downwards trend.

Ask about their specific methods

An experienced SEO agent will have at least an approximate strategy for getting your pages up the charts. Pay attention to their initial proposals and quote items. They should provide a technical review for your online platform, which should identify the things that are currently damaging your ranking, e.g. error pages, broken links, messed up formatting, and the like. Ask them for a detailed explanation of the methods and strategies that they plan to use for your site.

If they refuse or try to wiggle out of it, or if their answers are vague, incomplete, unnecessarily complicated etc., thank them for their time and look for someone else. Legitimate and successful white hats will have no problem explaining their work to you. People who throw dust into your eyes may be using unethical or outright illegal methods, or they might be out to scam you. To read more about the different colors of hats in SEO and what each of them means, do further research online.

Ask whether they can guarantee you a first-place search ranking

Whether you are aiming to improve your position on Google’s pages, Yahoo search, or on Bing, the answer should be the same: no. why? Because it is the only honest answer you can get. An SEO agent who readily promises you the top position is lying to your face. The search engine companies themselves are the only ones who can give a site a definitive ranking (and even then, they can change it).

Any optimization candidate who tells you that they “have somebody inside” or mention any other trick to guarantee that your rank will get priority is a bullet you need to avoid. Due to the way that internet search works, the playing field is constantly changing.

Therefore, giving anything other than an educated guess is impossible. If they offer you such ivory towers and even go so far as to guarantee them, turn right around and run for the hills — and consider reporting them for unethical business conduct on the way.

Ask about their skills with local search optimization

So, as we said, we got all these tips from the inside. The people over at ADV Marketing are based in Melbourne, so you would assume that they can help businesses in Melbourne with their SEO, right? If you find a consulting agency in Austin, Texas, you would think they can boost business from Austin, Texas, right?

Always confirm your candidates’ abilities in local SEO procedures. This is especially important if you are an independent entrepreneur or if you run a small business. You will have to rely on attracting customers in the nearby areas.

Does your potential consultant know to include your state, county, or city in your titles, sub headers, and meta content? Will they make sure that you are included on the local listings of the big search engine companies? Take the time to ask about it and confirm that your data will be present in the business directories aimed at particular geographical areas.

Ask about their communication trends

Of course, good communication is the essence of any successful business. So, when you are discussing a potential contract, make sure that the consultant’s communication style matches your own. How often will you get status updates? Will you interact mainly through online chats, video calls, regular phone calls, emails, or meet up live every time? Figure it out in time. Poor communication can spell doom even for the best projects.

Ask what will happen after you stop working together

You have to think about the time after contract expiration. It might expire naturally, i.e. per agreement, or you might prematurely terminate it for some reason. Whatever the situation, get it in writing: after you are done, you retain ownership of all the optimized content you paid for.

Prevent your (former) optimizer from changing or removing anything they previously did. This should cover all optimization, but also modified or added contents. Also, inquire with the consultant if they charge any fees for terminating a contract early. If they do, this has to be clearly stated in the contract.

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