VPS Explained: Why It Is a Good Decision for Your Business


The VPS (virtual private server) allows the creation of a digital and technological infrastructure to lay the foundations of websites and digital businesses. Choosing the right and cheap VPS server can be decisive for the proper functioning of the company.

Today almost any new company, startup or already established has part of its operation, if not all, on the Internet. Many processes such as sales, administration and management, communication and a long etcetera depend on cloud infrastructure for their correct performance. Choosing the technological base for a business is a fundamental task, but it is almost always complicated.

Among all the options and words, there is a solution that adapts to a wide variety of uses, offers low costs and high levels of security.

A VPS is a partition of a real server, which has its own operating system. That is, it is part of a physical machine that is divided into several VPS. They offer more advanced services and security than shared hosting and cost less than dedicated servers, which is especially important for start-up businesses and must control their cost structure. It is a technology that emerged in the 60s and is now booming given the excellent balance between performance and price.

Bet on Security with a VPS

Security is also a basic and fundamental aspect when having a server. There are many providers on the market, but resorting to the lowest price can put security guarantees at risk.

The smartest thing to do is to provide the company with maximum security with IONOS VPS due to its multi-layer security strategy. This model has a multi-layer security strategy and features that draw a scheme of essential requirements to provide guarantees to the system:

  • Certified infrastructure: Your VPS provider’s data centers must be ISO 27001 certified.
  • Firewalls: Something essential to protect yourself from external attacks.
  • Backups: Data backups must be able to be made automatically and stored in physically separate data centers.
  • DDoS Protection: The Internet is full of threats to business. From malicious competitors (they exist) to hackers, it is very likely that an eCommerce will receive more than one attack with the aim of blocking it. Having a VPS capable of resisting these dangers is essential.

Cases of Use of a VPS for Companies

If we move the virtual private server to business reality, we see several real applications of the solution:

Small businesses and ecommerce:

It is unnecessary to talk about the presence of electronic commerce in our lives, but we want to highlight one of the keys to an Internet store the speed of transactions. The loading of the products, the management of the shopping cart, the payment transaction.

These are fundamental elements for the success of an ecommerce store. The faster they are, the better user experience is obtained and the probability of customer loyalty increases. And this is where the role of the VPS comes in — optimal for stores with more than 500 items and medium-high traffic.

Code and app development and testing companies:

A VPS is the perfect testing environment for development processes. It allows you to easily simulate test environments for applications and code.

Corporate applications:

Many of the processes must be executed in a secure environment closed to the outside. We can point out the customer management system (CRM), internal and protected email, employee training platforms, accounting systems, the list of processes that can benefit from a VPS is long.

Game servers: It is one of the most fun uses because it allows games between friends, entire groups (or so-called “clans”) and even eSports, a sector in clear growth. With a very contained cost, players have access to benefits in terms of speed and reliability much greater than those of a home server.

Hosting a website:

Many business projects on the Internet grow to the point of needing more features. For example, a website with a monthly subscription service can experience very high peaks in subscribers or content downloads, and the server must be able to withstand this increase in traffic. This is where using a virtual private server makes sense. They can assume large increases in downloading and uploading data, without the danger of the web starting to fail.

Business analysis:

For those more advanced in programming, there is the possibility of using the Python programming language to develop business intelligence applications and models.

IoT device business:

Internet of Things is another field that has experienced great growth in recent years. It consists of connecting a multitude of devices to each other and through, for example, a VPS that can function as the platform for device management. The data thus managed can be analyzed with different tools.

Creating a company from scratch involves a multitude of decisions, so it is important to highlight the importance of choosing from the beginning a robust, multifunctional and agile technological base with the use of a VPS.

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