5 Essential Things to Consider When Deciding to Become a Best-Selling Co-Author

Your words, forever immortalized on the pages of a best-selling book in the hands and hearts of millions all over the world; could this be the unique edge to not only your healing but to your businesses’ growth in 2023?

Co-authoring a best-selling book is a noteworthy achievement by any standard. From a business perspective, it is one that has been shown to dramatically increase brand credibility and sales-funnel conversions. A recent study led by ‘Grammar Factory’ showed that entrepreneurs increased their earnings by 34% after having their work published.

A conscious best-selling book strategy, coupled with the means to create a wildly connected community, has been shown to yield amplified results in not only your impact, influence and income, but in who you become in the process!

Let’s explore what you need to consider on your path to Best-Selling Co-Author:

1. Get ready to collaborate and build a leveraged network:

Jess Verrill

“A ‘collaborative book project’, as I like to call it, is where multiple people will come together to write their own chapter, giving their own perspective and expertise on a particular theme. We all come together to share our wisdom, our genius and tips and tools for others to read. I’ve seen many incredible things come from this experience: soul friendships, collaborative business partnerships, referral partners, tons of new clients, speaking opportunities — the practical ROI is immeasurable!” Jess Verrill

Relationships are the currency of doing business tomorrow. It is not enough to just leave your ego at the door; you need to be willing to lay down any success paradigms that have you showing up with fear, scarcity or competition. Here, leveraged communities are built on integrity. They rise together by becoming powerful referral partners, celebrate and encourage one another and ultimately, co-authors become great friends!

2. You’ve gotta want it!

Terrie Silverman

“To have a tangible product and be able to hold it in your hands, to tell clients, colleagues and friends, and then to see my story in A BOOK and being part of the success in birthing a best-seller, is thrilling! I left my first co-author project with profound pride and a deep sense of accomplishment.” Terrie Silverman

The fuel, resourcing you during the initial stages of conception, to the drafting, editing, proofing and then publishing, requires presence, perseverance and an aligned community of Authors.

Your book will evolve you. The writing journey will help you heal, bring you alive and transform you. Therefore, you’ve ‘gotta want it’ from all the right places.

3. Prepare to face your visibility shadows:

Tarsh Ashwin

“The biggest thing about a book is that it generates incredible visibility and momentum. Learning how to work with momentum is one of the key teachings available within a co-author project. As you dive deep into your visibility fears, powerful levels of inner alchemy and authority is embodied, and this then shines from the inside out to attract people faster to your work.” Tarsh Ashwin

You have to be willing to do the powerful inner excavation work that must accompany your journey to becoming more visible and for many, this is where the challenge to triumph lives.

By bringing your ‘visibility wounds’ and fears into the light, meeting them head on, and healing them somatically while you write your heart out, you will gain a sense of preparedness and strength. As the sales roll in, invitations for podcast appearances, article features and greater exposure manifests, you will not feel exposed.

4. Be willing to learn conscious marketing strategies to build a business bigger than you:

Krystal Hille

“We are able to offer real value to real people in a long-lasting way that social media and blog posts could never do. Conscious marketing demands us to show up authentically as who we are, and a compilation book (where you just write one chapter instead of a whole book) provides us with a perfect opportunity to do exactly this, while leveraging time. It effectively contributes to the eight points of contact that a potential or client needs to have with us before they buy from us; it is a huge trust builder, while also becoming a legacy builder for you.” Krystal Hille

Building a business that is bigger than you takes heart and demands a wild ride into defining the values of your company, the mission it serves and distilling a story that people can not only relate to, but deeply trust.

By investing in a co-author book project, you will begin to unravel all of these elements. As you do, you will see your voice, your work and the bigger ripple that is possible by consciously choosing to pour your wisdom onto the page authentically and powerfully.

5. Your words will be the thing that heals you:

Alyse Marie-Gallagher

“What if this is the thing that heals you? Sharing my vulnerability in this way was the thing that healed me. I needed to show up for myself in a bigger way and so I took an entire year of writing multi-author books to be the channel, to be the thing that healed me. And it did, because I am the potential; because you are the potential.” Alyse Marie-Gallagher

Daring to share your story, to cultivate the courage to put pen to paper and let it be heard, with every word you write, a little more of you heals. Are you ready for that?

It’s a big decision to become a published Author, your story forever immortalized on the pages of a hardback book. It will, however, be one of the best decisions you ever make for your own evolution — and with every word read, medicine for another. Take a deep breath and dare greatly.

In Closing

Co-Author Book Projects offer potent leveraging opportunities across a myriad of channels, from media, to summits and podcasts. If relationships are the currency by which we will do business tomorrow, then how we sow these today matters.

Becoming a co-author is a journey that will evolve you as a woman, as a Leader, as a Writer and as a valuable member of a collaborative community, coherently working together to launch, promote and leverage their collective legacy piece.


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Shannon Rose
Shannon Rose is Founder and CEO at The Word Distillery where bold voices and big visions are stewarded onto fresh stages in embodied ways. Her words have appeared in USA Today, Hollywood Digest, The Entrepreneur Magazine, MamaM!A, Elephant Journal, So Influential and many more, she is a Senior Columnist at Disrupt and Brainz Magazine. You can find Shannon travelling the world with her husband and 2 children as they explore all that this beautiful planet has to offer while running her location independent Mentoring and Media Company.