How to Improve Home Business Security Without Breaking the Bank

Many people assume that home businesses don’t need to worry about security as much as regular businesses, but this couldn’t be farther from the truth. In many cases, home businesses have security concerns that are very real, especially when they have to deal with things like inventory, for instance. However, many small business owners are strapped for cash and have to find solutions that are as cost effective as possible, and that includes security. In this article, we’re going to give you a few tips to save money on security so you don’t have to break the bank to keep your home and business safe.

Establish Which Kind of Service You Want

There are usually two common types of security systems on the market: monitored and unmonitored. Monitored systems are usually connected to a company’s call center or connected directly to emergency services, such as the police or fire department. These types of systems usually come with a monthly plan and require intensive installation. You will also usually need to work with a rep that will assess your home and give you several options depending on your needs.

On the other hand, unmonitored systems usually consist of an alarm or a combination of alarms and sensors. Usually, these types of systems aren’t connected to a central or emergency service. These are usually much less costly than their monitored counterparts, but also don’t give the same level of protection. You will have to rely on the alarm to either deter any possible intruders or alert you or your neighbors that an intrusion is occurring.

However, there are many systems right now that offer a combination of both, such as SimpliSafe, for instance. While you won’t need to call someone to install it like most monitored systems, you can still connect it to the local authorities and have a direct dispatch in case of emergency. These solutions also tend to be cheaper than others on the market, as you can take a plan out that meets your exact requirements.

Consider What You Are Protecting

You can use different types of monitoring devices for different rooms in the house. These can include sensors, door and window alarms and motion lights. The more systems you have in place, the better, as each provides an additional layer of protection. Depending on what your needs are, but in many cases, a complete solution including motion sensors and alarms will be needed. If you’re dealing with a company, don’t hesitate to ask how you can customize your options. A good company should have solutions tailored for your needs.

Consider Getting a Guard Dog

Getting a guard dog is a great, inexpensive way to protect your premises, especially when used in conjunction with a thorough security system. Not only can a dog deter any possible intruder, the noise they make can be enough to scare them away and alert you and your neighbors. While a dog will demand more care and maintenance than a security system, they are a great addition to any home. Please note that if you have motion sensors installed, you can usually configure them to prevent them being tripped by your four-legged friend.

Hire Security Guards

You may want to take the next step and look into hiring professionals to watch over your residence. Having security guards on-site will provide a greater level of protection so you can work and sleep with a peace of mind. They will act as safeguards against threats and will make any shady passerby nervous and wary about attempting a robbery of your property. If you are a well-known business, having experts watching over your home around the clock is an especially smart move.


Protecting your home business from intruders without breaking the bank is easy if you know how to go about it. Make sure that you use the proper set of protection systems for your needs and consider investing in a furry friend if need be. Using all the options at your disposal will ensure that your home and business remains safe at all times and will allow you to not only limit the chances of losses, but reduce your insurance costs as well.

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