The Benefits of Custom Cable Assemblies


Whilst standard cable assemblies might get the job done for certain simple installations, they often fail to meet the requirements of more complicated, specific applications. Every set-up and application will be slightly different, meaning custom cable assemblies are often required to provide satisfactory solutions.

Standard cable assemblies can be great, providing you with an easy solution for simple or generic applications. But if your application is unique, or particularly complex, you’ll likely require a custom cable assembly. By relying on out-of-the-box cable assemblies, and forcing them to conform to your requirements, you might encounter certain issues. You might experience a loss of efficiency, or potentially more severe technical issues that could result in damage to equipment, property, and even individuals.

Here’s a list of the numerous benefits of custom cable assemblies, as well as a brief description of what they actually are, and what their typical applications are.

What are custom cable assemblies?

A cable assembly in essence is just a group of cables bound together in a single unit for convenience. A single cable assembly might contain cables of varying lengths, colours and constructions.

Custom cable assemblies are just that: custom-made assemblies for the specific needs of a certain application or business. They’re not only made to order for the individual application but also designed specifically for the industry and purpose -everything from automotive components to medical devices.

Main benefits of custom cable assemblies


Custom cable assemblies can provide optimised and accurate cable setups for applications. This means that applications can run as intended, and without a loss of efficiency due to sub-par cable management. This is particularly vital for sensitive, or precise applications.


With a custom cable assembly, you can make small changes to your cable configurations as the requirements of your application change over time. This might include changes to the number of wires or the lengths of wires within the assemblies. With off-the-shelf cable assemblies, this simply wouldn’t be possible, and you’d have to invest in a whole new assembly if your changing requirements demanded it.


Investing in custom cable assemblies gives you complete control over the materials that go into the construction of the cables. You can ensure that high-quality materials are used for all wiring, in addition to being able to employ specific insulative materials for cable jackets when required.

Quality assurance

When required, custom cable assemblies can be manufactured using higher quality materials than certain standard solutions. Additionally, custom assemblies can also be tested in their actual usage environment, meaning you can guarantee suitability and functionality. With many standard cable assemblies, you really have no guarantee of suitability until you test them out yourself, especially if your application is unique.


Custom assemblies often have a longer lifespan than standard cable assemblies because they aren’t mass-produced. Instead, they’re built specifically to fit your needs and work within your budget constraints while still providing all the functionality required by your application or system specifications. Customising each assembly helps ensure they’ll last longer without needing maintenance repairs later on down the road (which means less downtime).


Custom cable assemblies are designed, constructed, and tested with the specific usage requirements of your application in mind. This results in a level of performance and reliability which is often superior to that of standard cable assemblies.

Time-saving and ease of setup

You’d be forgiven if you initially thought an off-the-shelf solution was always quicker to set up and install. In many instances you’d be wrong. It can sometimes be very difficult to try and retrofit standard cable assemblies to specific applications, with some attempts being completely futile.

If your application requires it, you’ll save yourself time and money by opting for a custom cable assembly in the first place.

Minimise waste

When you use custom cable assemblies, everything is designed and constructed to the exact specifications of your usage requirements, meaning you’ll have the correct amount of each component, and there will be no trimming, cutting, or waste necessary.


However many cables you need for your application, you’ll be able to get them when you work with a custom cable assemblies manufacturer. You won’t have to worry about a manufacturer of standard assemblies running out of stock, or charging you large amounts for high-volume orders.

Applications of custom cable assemblies

With all the benefits of custom cable assemblies, it’s no wonder they’re used for a wide range of critical applications where high performance is vital and technical issues cannot be allowed to interfere with functionality. Here’s a list of industries and applications that rely on custom cable assemblies:

  • Automotive

In the automotive industry, mass usage of custom cable assemblies is required to ensure the efficient assembly of the internal electronics of various vehicle types.

  • Medical

Hospitals and other medical facilities have very specific requirements for their cable assemblies. This ensures all equipment functions as intended and conditions such as temperature and humidity can be maintained at appropriate levels.

  • Artificial intelligence and industry 4.0

Industrial systems require a variety of sensors, scanners, and control systems to operate in accordance with industry 4.0. Custom cable assemblies are required for the efficient integration of these control systems.

  • Renewables and power distribution

Equipment for electricity generation such as wind turbines and solar panels, in addition to systems for power distribution and transmission, require extensive custom cable assemblies

  • Communications and telematics

We live in the information age, and the fast, efficient transmission of data has become an integral part of society. Custom cable assemblies are used to set up networks that facilitate this transfer of information.

  • Military

Ensuring military bases, and all the specialist equipment they contain, remain powered is critical for international security and the confidentiality of information. Custom cable assemblies are used to ensure these systems operate at an optimal capacity and are safeguarded against failure.

Final thoughts from Cornelius Electronics – A leading custom cable assembly manufacturer

If you’re looking for a custom cable assembly manufacturer, Cornelius Electronics asserts that they have you covered. They’ve been providing bespoke cable assembly solutions across a range of industries for over 40 years, and have built up a reputation for their quality of work.

Their team of skilled IPC-trained electricians offers the high-quality installation of custom cable solutions, manufactured at their state-of-the-art production facility, which is located in the UK.

By investing in a custom cable assembly, you may save time, money, and ensure your applications function exactly as intended.

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