If you’re running a business online you do need to think about marketing and promotion. This is how you’re going to increase the number of customers for your company. It’s also how you keep already interested customers excited about new products and services. You should know that there are quite literally countless businesses now operating online every day. Many will be appealing to the same consumers and customers as you. This could be true, even if you are not in the same industry. Customers buy lots of different things and if they’re buying something else from another company, they won’t be buying from you. That’s why you have to make sure your marketing campaign is flawless, built to appeal to the masses. Here are the golden rules you must follow.
Content Is Only Useful If It Connects
Have a look at a few different websites right now. You’ll be amazed by how many have truly awful pieces of content. Either, they are poorly written, have no relevance to the company, or they simply don’t have any marketing appeal. If you fill your site with this type of content, it’s not going to get you very far. You might see a small increase in customer numbers. But the increase won’t last, and it definitely will not have a noticeable effect. Instead, you need to be writing content that connects with an audience and is based around selling your product.
SEO Is Not Just Keywords And Links
There is no denying the fact that SEO is a vital part of business marketing. Unfortunately, many people believe SEO is a simple process, and it isn’t. Instead of hiring a professional digital marketing team, they try to complete an SEO campaign themselves. Typically, this either fails or works for a short period and then fails. If you just think of SEO as adding keywords and links to your site, you might receive a Google penalty. Or, it may just have no effect at all. You will receive a penalty if links are added in a way that isn’t natural at all. But mainly, your problem will be a limited effect. These days, links and keywords just aren’t enough. You need to look at CRO, social media and content as a combined form of SEO marketing.
You Reap What You Sow
An old idea but one that is still true when we think about online marketing. There are lots of advertisements online right now, telling you a website can become successful overnight. How, may you ask? Why, just by clicking this friendly red button. That’s right, for just two grand you’ll see your website traffic…do nothing. That’s typically what you’re paying for with these marketing schemes. Nothing at all. If you want your marketing to be a success online, you need to put the time in and avoid the scams. Try writing some real content yourself because no one knows your company and your customers better than you.
Following these golden rules, you should have no problem making your business a hit with online promotion.