6 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your New Website

Business Person Working on Building Traffic for Website

Having an online presence is crucial to the success of your business in this digital era. Building an audience online opens many business opportunities for you — you can sell products, promote others’ products and services, or simply make money through advertisements on your website. The possibilities are endless.

However, it is not a piece of cake. Driving traffic to your website is difficult, and many have struggled with it. But, if you stick to it long enough and learn the correct techniques, it will be all worth it in the end. There are many things you can do to attract traffic to your website and retain it, and it’s hard to figure out what exactly is working.

So, here are a few things that will help you increase traffic to your website.

1. Make it look good

As mentioned, these techniques are not only to help you attract traffic to your website but to also retain them. What’s the use of a viewer who only views your website once and stays on it for less than a few seconds?

“As the world is getting more visual and attention spans getting shorter, it is important to use visuals to attract your target audience,” says a web designer at BANG! Website Design.

Therefore, investing in a good-looking website is worth it. It doesn’t have to be something over the top — just a website that looks pleasing to the eyes. You can buy a theme or hire website designers to build your website for you.

2. Create content

People won’t stay on your website for long if there isn’t something grabbing their attention, and what’s better at grabbing attention than high-quality content? Creating quality content that is tailored to your target audience forms connections with them by giving them what they’re looking for and solving the problems they already have. The best way to achieve this is to create content on your website through blog articles.

3. Promote your website with advertisements

Advertisements are all over the internet. You see them on every social media platform you use. There are advertisements promoting everything from kitchen gadgets to online therapists. These digital advertisements are designed to attract users to go to a specific website or landing page.

These advertisements work because they are put in places that appeal to the audience the advertisement owner is trying to attract. For instance, if you’re on a cooking website, you can find digital advertisements promoting kitchen gadgets. You can target a specific audience by putting advertisements on Facebook or Instagram to visit your website. There are filters to apply such as age, gender, interests, etc.

4. Work on getting backlinks from credible sources

Backlinks are links to your website that are present on other websites. If you can get backlinks on quality websites that people trust, the higher you will rank on search engines such as Google. This is because Google’s algorithm builds your authority when it realizes that your backlinks come from trusted sources, which will help you rank higher. Not only this, but backlinks will make the target audience trust you more since they trust the website that has linked to your page.

5. Keep your audience engaged on other social media platforms

You can use social media platforms to build your website’s audience by keeping your audience engaged with you. You can use this platform by posting the same content you post on your website, but in a way that fits more with this social media platform. For example, if the chosen platform is Pinterest, you create visually-attractive pins that have bullet points of your blog articles. This is because, on Pinterest, visuals attract people.

6. On-page SEO

On-page SEO is any SEO efforts put into the page you’re going to post on your website. Not only is creating valuable articles or content important but also utilizing on-page SEO. This could be done by improving readability by making your sentences shorter, paragraphs shorter, and making it easier for the eyes to skim through.

Also, decrease the size of your images so your website doesn’t take long to load. You also want to include popular key phrases in your articles to attract people who search for these key phrases. You want to include these keywords in your meta description as well. The best way to make sure that you’re fully utilizing on-page SEO is to have a checklist that you check before publishing an article — this way you will make sure that you don’t miss a thing.

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