From Dates to Diapers – A Work-From-Home Success Story

Homeschooling Mother of Six Achieves Blogging Success

Christine Young originally began her blogging career at Organized Chaos, where she blogged about her family life and homeschooling experiences. She managed to gain quite a large readership and was approached by several companies that wanted her to introduce their products to the many moms who read her daily musings. Not wishing to harm the integrity of her family journaling, Christine envisioned a new place where her daily readers from Organized Chaos could go to find out about the latest and greatest products, and possibly find a link to her fun giveaways that they would like to enter.

Thus began From Dates to Diapers,, where Christine now posts all of her thoughts, from what she thinks about new toys and clothing, and other such family oriented products on the market, to what witty things her children are saying and what they are learning. Christine is amazed at the response she has received since launching From Dates to Diapers last summer. Companies, from all over the nation, now contact her to inquire as to whether or not she would be interested in sampling their products in exchange for a feature on From Dates to Diapers. Not bad for this homeschooling mother of six, who loves to give her opinion, write about her kiddos, and in the process help other mommies out there.

Helping other moms to navigate the vast world of mommyhood is what Christine enjoys the most about what she does at From Dates to Diapers. She can do it all from her favorite place — the comfort of her own home, with her children close by. There are no persons to whom Christine must daily answer, no dress codes to follow, and no office rules — it’s just her, the kiddos, and her computer all day.

Christine’s hope is that she may somehow touch the lives of many more mommies (and maybe other daddies, too), reminding them that they are not alone on their parenting journeys, but do have someone to turn to for advice, opinions, and a good laugh! HBM

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