Reasons to Open an English Language School in Thailand

Teacher in classroom
Photo by Thirdman from Pexels

Thailand is one of the most popular destinations for international tourists and expatriates alike. It’s also an increasingly popular destination for students looking to study English in a fun, low-cost environment. With so much excitement about the opportunities for education and tourism in Thailand right now, you might be thinking about opening your English language school there. If so, here are five reasons why it’s a great time to do so:

Tourism is booming in Thailand as the country becomes more attractive as a travel destination.

The tourism industry in Thailand is booming. It’s one of the top 10 most visited countries in the world, with over 30 million international tourists visiting each year. The country has a lot to offer: natural beauty, cultural heritage, and great food (to name just a few).

The quality of English education in Thailand is improving thanks to the government’s efforts to improve English proficiency nationwide.

The quality of English education in Thailand is improving thanks to the government’s efforts to improve English proficiency nationwide. As a result, there are more opportunities for native English speakers to work in Thailand. Many people who teach at schools may have the opportunity to earn a double income from teaching and their own private tutoring business.

Additionally, if you are an individual entrepreneur with some extra time on your hands and enjoy teaching others about something that interests you, opening up your language school could be a good way for you to make money while pursuing your passion.

If you’re looking for another great reason why opening an English language school in Thailand can be beneficial for your overall health and happiness (and pocketbook), here it is: teachers’ salaries here tend to be higher than those paid out by other countries around Southeast Asia (such as China).

Thailand’s popularity as an international student destination continues to grow thanks to its friendly culture, low cost of living and pleasant weather.

For years, Thailand has been one of the best countries to study English in. The country’s popularity as an international student destination continues to grow thanks to its friendly culture, low-cost of living and pleasant weather. Thailand also offers year-round study programs that allow students to learn English at their own pace.

The cost of living in Thailand is relatively low compared with other popular destinations such as Australia or New Zealand (see table below). This makes it easier for people who want to study abroad but don’t have much money or time available on holidays from work because there are no significant financial commitments involved with starting up an English language school here — unlike other places where teachers must invest thousands of dollars upfront before they can even begin teaching their first class!

Thailand has seen great improvements in the number of international students — a growing demand for English language training.

You can see the growing demand for English language training. Thailand has seen great improvements in the number of international students, with a large number of them coming from China and Japan. This is due to a growing demand for English language training, especially among local Thai students who want to improve their skills and prepare themselves for employment opportunities abroad.

If you’re considering opening an English learning center, now is a great time to do so in Thailand.

Now is the best time to open an English language school in Thailand. If you’re considering doing so, here are a few reasons why:

  • The popularity of Thailand as a travel destination is on the rise. According to a report by Euromonitor International, international tourism arrivals in Thailand grew by 6% annually between 2012 and 2017.
  • The quality of English education in Thailand is improving thanks to government support for international education initiatives and increased funding for teacher training programs at local universities.
  • As more people travel outside their home countries and more companies expand internationally, there has been an increase in demand for English language training throughout Southeast Asia since 2008 — especially since 2011 when China’s economy started slowing down (and thus fewer Chinese tourists went abroad). Since then, other countries like Vietnam have also seen growth in their tourism industries because they offer low-cost alternatives with similar amenities (such as hotels) but less crowded beaches than those located closer to Bangkok.


If you’re considering opening an English learning center, now is a great time to do so in Thailand. The country offers many opportunities for businesses looking to make money and connect with customers from around the world. People who want to learn English will continue going to Thailand because of its unique culture and friendly people.

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