Publicize Launches Free Skill-share Platform to Aid Entrepreneurs and Startups During COVID-19

Swap Shop

The Publicize Swap Shop: Connect. Swap. Grow.

COVID-19 has impacted businesses of all sizes and across all industries. However, startups are most vulnerable in the current conditions, as they often lack the disposable funds to cope with sudden financial constraints and drops in sales.

Nonetheless, there is hope. A recent survey of venture capital firms and angel investors found that 53 percent of respondents still plan to invest in the same stages they did before the crisis struck. Now more than ever, startups need to prove their business models to attract investors in the future.

But what can startups do in the meantime to stay productive and innovative?

Use their most powerful asset to get ahead — the community.

Founders, entrepreneurs, and startup teams are famous for having a wide range of impressive skills and experience. The problem is that these skills remain in silo without the right channels to access and share these talents. In response, Publicize — the PR agency for tech sector startups — has launched the Publicize Swap Shop, a free online marketplace for startups to barter for services and products.

Why now?

Vice President of Operations at Publicize, Erik Zijdemans, believes that “the startup ecosystem needs this community now more than ever” in the face of unprecedented challenges from COVID-19, which was the main driver behind the launch of the initiative. The Publicize Swap Shop supports startups by creating a cash-free way to access vital services during these turbulent times.

The pandemic has meant startups have had to switch to leaner operation models and freeze procurement budgets. In fact, 41 percent of startups around the world currently only have finances to continue processes for three months or less.

To combat rising concerns over longevity, the Swap Shop gives access to much-needed resources without users having to commit to a full service subscription or product purchase. in need of help, and creates an opportunity to contribute back to other small businesses.

The marketplace has already gained traction in the startup sphere. With offers spanning product design services to legal counsel, personal consulting to free stock photography, free ebook creation to network referrals, Swap Shop is revolutionizing how startups connect, swap, and grow.

How it works

Anyone can use Swap Shop — simply create an account, publish the details of the ‘offer’ and a reciprocal ‘ask’ from the community (although an ‘ask’ isn’t obligatory). For example, Lemi Apps is offering a one-year subscription to its mobile marketing service in exchange for content like articles, videos, and social media posts.

Users without an account can also browse the platform and view available deals.

Once users find a suitable ‘ask’, they click ‘Make the swap’ and are connected with the other startup via email to finalize arrangements. No money, no long waits, no catch. There are no hidden fees and Publicize doesn’t publish any personal information.

It’s that simple to partner up!

A helping hand

Publicize was founded in 2013 with a single mission: to provide high-quality PR and media coverage to startups and entrepreneurs who were priced out of a broken PR industry. In the same respect, Swap Shop is now helping people priced out of spiraling markets.

Based in Medellín, Colombia, Publicize has stayed true to its original mission and spurred the growth of hundreds of businesses. The introduction of Swap Shop — the first of its kind in the startup space — demonstrates Publicize’s dedication to finding alternative pathways for startup success.

Just as companies like Airbnb, WhatsApp, and HubSpot all launched during crises, and today are some of the biggest names in business, Swap Shop is offering a helping hand to the startups that could be the tech giants of tomorrow.

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