5 Investment Opportunities for Today’s Entrepreneurs

Forex Trader

Entrepreneurs are known for taking risks, but when it comes to their personal investments, they need to be careful when balancing risk and reward and be just as meticulous as they would be when handling business finances.

Many entrepreneurs approach investing by looking for opportunities where others are not, finding new ways to grow their money. Here are some of the investment opportunities that are proving to be highly successful for entrepreneurs right now.


Over the past few years, there’s been a huge transfer of wealth out of stocks and bonds and into the gold market. The debt crisis, global unrest, and negative interest rates have led to lots of uncertainty in the market, and investors are constantly trying to be on the right side of money trades.

Not so long ago, gold enjoyed its best quarter in over twenty years, making it a popular choice with entrepreneurs looking for somewhere new to invest their money.

Private Investments:

Entrepreneurs are increasingly investing in projects that they own, control, understand, or have a very close relationship with.

Private investments are bringing increasing opportunity and growing transparency; crowdfunding, real estate investments, and investments in startups when the entrepreneur has intimate knowledge and understanding of the market, operations and team are becoming increasingly popular.

Real Estate:

This has long been a favorite option for entrepreneurs looking to invest their money. Real estate is one of those investment opportunities that won’t go anywhere anytime soon. Most entrepreneurs avoid investing in anything too complex; simple opportunities generating a positive cash flow can be found with properties under $250,000.

Real estate is ideal for entrepreneurs because it allows them to spend a little time upfront to conduct research, and then pretty much sit back and forget about it once things have been set up.

Real estate crowdfunding meets some of the requirements above: low initial investment requirements, more projects to invest in, and no worries about actively managing said properties.

To get started with real estate crowdfunding, sign up on a platform. Access projects, and carry out due diligence on each deal you wish to invest in. You can learn from other real estate investors by reading their reviews on Crowdstreet and other platforms.


Forex, or foreign exchange, has rapidly become a popular option for anybody looking to invest their money. It allows entrepreneurs to trade different currencies and make money depending on the value of a certain currency against another at any given time.

The fast-moving and ever-changing nature of the Forex market means that there are big bucks to be made for any entrepreneur who’s willing to carefully weigh up the risks and rewards and play the game right. And, mobile trading platforms make this even more ideal for busy entrepreneurs on the go. Forex brokers make it easy to get started, and you can find up to date information on Financeeo.com.

Personal Health:

A growing number of entrepreneurs are choosing to invest in two avenues; growing companies and their own personal health. Since many entrepreneurs love to watch people and new companies become successful, it’s no surprise that they get involved with new startups to provide both financial backing and their own insight and perspective.

And, more entrepreneurs are choosing to invest more heavily in their personal health because they realize that they must be functioning at their best in order to run a successful business.

As an entrepreneur, have you considered any of these investment avenues?

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