According to a recent report by the United Nations, working at home does not only add benefits to your lifestyle. The activity can cause insomnia and stress. Is online work harmful to one’s health?
Two Types of Online Workers
Drawing on research carried out in 15 countries, this report was drafted by the International Labor Organization and Eurofound. It makes a clear distinction between teleworkers who stay at home and the more mobile workers who use new means of communication. The former would enjoy a better balance between family and work, while the latter would be much more vulnerable to negative repercussions to their well-being. They would be more insomniac, stressed and lonely. So it is advisable to find that balance if you must work online.
Do you want to create a profitable business on the web? It’s possible! Just find one helluva good idea and be organized enough to handle it all. The advantage of the web is that you do not necessarily need an official business, and you have the opportunity to start alone. Here are 5 ideas that could make you happy working with an online business.
1. An online shop
We all know the principle of an e-commerce site. You have a range of products for sale and you use a website to make them known. For sale, each product is presented on a card, with its buttons and features and an “add to cart” button. You have the opportunity to invest in an internet business by creating an online shop with Prestashop, WordPress or Magneto. The only drawback is that you will face a ruthless competition. A good example of this kind of business is the Bikerringshop, which provides sterling silver biker jewellery.
2. Creating an innovative service
This is an online business model to choose if you think that creating an online store is too risky. The principle is simple: you sell everything like software, online tools, relationship services or even services to the person. The best way to sell them is by subscription and it allows you to have more security.
3. Sale of skills
The idea for investing in an internet business is simple, especially if you have skills in this area. Indeed, the internet has allowed many people to work freelance and find customers in the 4 corners of the world. You have the choice between creating your own agency or using platforms of connections between providers and companies.
4. Create a content site monetized by advertising
This is the business model of most information websites. The content is published regularly and relayed on social networks and mostly referenced on Google. The only mode of remuneration you are going to have is through advertising, usually Google AdSense inserts. The advantage is that this type of site is easy to set up.
5. Create a content site and sell information
This is an idea that is pretty similar to the previous one, but this time it improves upon it. Indeed, instead of publishing mass content like what we see from msnbc live news, but with an average quality, the idea here will be to publish high quality background articles that will help some people achieve their goals. Internet users can then follow you.