How to Start a Successful Blog in 2019

Female blogging on laptop

Things change, which is why online blogging resources like Create and Go’s Guide on How to Make Money Blogging get updated regularly to adapt to the times. As more bloggers compete for web traffic, their methods to increase the number of followers continuously evolve. Visitors and a loyal fan base are the lifeblood of any successful blog, and this makes it all the more important for budding bloggers to start their blogs right. Taking the correct path will help minimize the roadblocks along the way and avoid unnecessary frustrations that often beset novice bloggers. Here’s how you can start a successful blog in 2019.

1. Determine Your ‘Why’

Sure, you want to make some extra cash, but why be a blogger? While there may be other generic reasons why blogging appeals to you, there must be that deeper “why” that made you decide to try your luck with blogging. Determining your why and bringing it into focus clearly will help you boost your resolve to succeed. Make no mistake about it ― you will need resolve to break through barriers and endure disappointments that you will likely encounter along the way.

2. Choose the Right Subject

Man blogging on laptop

Just like many other bloggers, your “why” could be your desire to share your passion with others. Whether it is your passion for gardening, cooking or living an active lifestyle, choosing a subject that you love and are very familiar with, is one of the keys to making your blog successful. If your audience gets a whiff that you don’t know what you are writing about, your blog won’t gain any traction. Worse, you may even be called out.

On the other hand, if your content shows your experience and proficiency on the subject, it will keep your audience engaged. What if you are passionate and have some level of proficiency in two or more subjects? You can create a blog that carries your own brand, which is also known as a self-branded blog. The blog, which is in your name, includes two or more subjects in your areas of interests.

3. Choose Your Blogging Platform and Host

Thanks to technology, you don’t have to know code to create your own website. Blogging platforms such as WordPress, Wix and Squarespace have features that make it immensely easier to design your own site. WordPress is by far the best blogging platform there is available currently, and it is the wisest choice for those who want to monetize and drive traffic to their blogs. Bluehost is an ideal host for WordPress blogs, and it is one of the most affordable hosting services to date.

4. Sign Up and Start Designing Your Blog

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Go to your chosen hosting service and sign up for a plan. It is a good idea to come up with several domain names as you will be required to provide one as you sign up. Try to come up with a unique name for your blog that is easy to remember. If you chose Bluehost, you will be directed to the WordPress site right after signing up. Once on the WordPress page, you can start selecting themes and choosing designs for your blog. You can experiment and make changes to tweak the look of your website.

5. Write Your First Blog Post

At this point, you may already be itching to start writing your first blog post. One good way to start your blog would be to write a welcome article that explains what the blog is all about and what visitors can expect with future posts. Once you click on “Publish,” you’ll finally have your own working blog.

Do all of these guarantee a successful blog? Well, you have planned and envisioned your blog well and then went on to create it. Starting your blog the right way gives it a better chance to succeed.

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