9 Pros, Cons, and Important Tips for Setting Up Your Own Brewery

Photo by ELEVATE from Pexels

The craft beer industry has been growing in the past few years. This has presented an opportunity for people to set up their own breweries. However, there are many things that you need to consider before starting one.

Some of them might include things such as the startup cost, experience in the brewery industry, and market saturation, among others. You also need to look into the pros and cons of setting up your own brewery.

Tips for Setting Up Your Own Brewery

Hire Talented Bartenders

Bartenders, or rather beertenders, can make or break your beer brewery business. When hiring your workers, you need to make sure that they know everything about the beers that you have.

They also need to understand everything about the industry to ensure that they can guide your customers whenever the need arises. Your beertenders need to have a social and friendly personality. This is vital in creating a good experience with your customers.

Invest in Software to Help You Manage Your Brewery Business Effectively

Technology advancement has made the running of businesses easier. You, therefore, need to invest in a software application to help you manage your brewery business effectively. This way, you will not have to worry about manual or repetitive tasks.

With companies such as Ollie, you do not have to look at different brewery technologies for different tasks in your brewery business. You can get a simple application that helps you manage your business in its entirety.

Get Your Finances in Order

Setting up a brewery business is not a walk in the park. You will need a lot of things, but one of the most important things you need to do is to ensure that you have secured funding for your business.

You will need money for things like securing a business premise and brewery equipment, taking care of daily and monthly bills, and paying your workers. Without enough money, you will not succeed in any business, not just a brewery business.

Pros of Setting Up Your Own Brewery

Easy Business Model

Among all the business models we have today, a brewery business model is one of the easiest you will even come across. Of course, before setting up your own brewery, you need to do research and learn everything you need.

When doing this research, you will realize that you can easily understand everything that is needed of you. You do not even need any special education to learn new skills for the successful running of your business.

Brewery Businesses Are Scalable

Beers are among the most popular drinks across the globe. It does not matter the season or weather, people will always take beers. On the other hand, customer demands are never constant. They will always keep on changing.

Fortunately, the brewery business is highly scalable. When beer consumption is low, you can change your production to ensure that you do not have many beers in store. On the other hand, you can produce beers to meet high demand. You can even introduce new flavors to meet the demands of your customers.

Affordable Startup Cost

You do not need thousands of dollars to set up your own brewery business. You do not even need to set up large factories or buy expensive equipment to start one. With about $2,000 in startup capital, you can get the equipment you need and start brewing at home.

Cons of Setting Up Your Own Brewery

Crowded Space

As discussed above, the craft beer industry has been growing in the last few years. This has seen more people setting up their own breweries, something that is good for both suppliers and consumers.

However, this poses a challenge for new brewery businesses. Getting into this industry means that you are starting a business in a crowded space and that you need to figure out how you are going to beat the competition.


Setting up your own brewery means that you will be running a business like any other. This requires you to follow different laws set by your local government or even the federal government. You will also have to pay taxes as a self-employed person. These taxes can be expensive.

Repetitive Work

How would you feel knowing that you will be running the same tasks every single day? Imagine having to prepare the same beer every time following the same processes. For some people, this might get tiresome, boring, and tedious.

However, you can try to diversify and come up with different beers to ensure that everything remains interesting throughout. You can also ask for reviews from your customers to ensure that you give them what they need.

Setting up your own brewery can be one of the best business decisions you can make today. With proper management, you can scale slowly, improve your business, and make profits as a self-employed person in comparison to having to work for someone else.

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