4 Reasons You Should Consider Prototype Testing

Business Team Working on Prototype

Whenever you create something new, you always have this nagging feeling in the back of your mind of whether or not it is going to work. While it is ok to have something fail internally when you go to use it, it is another thing entirely to market a product to the masses only to discover that it does not work as advertised. This is why a major part of the design process is to test the prototype. This is the part of the process where you can get detailed feedback about the product in order to determine which components are working as they should and which you still need to fine-tune.

A Proper Prototype Evaluation Defined

In general, there are two different types of prototypes today. You can make use of either software prototypes or design drafts. That latter is only for usability testing. If you use a paper prototype, for example, you would draw out your idea on paper and then start discussing it with your teammates before you invest any time or money in its development. This valuable feedback will help you determine how to best proceed with the new concept.

How the Process Works

You begin this process by selecting a tester group that is made up of your target audience. They will examine the prototype and determine how useful it is to them and how easy to use it is. They will then provide you with feedback. Those results will then be used to determine what changes need to be made to the product.

Reasons to Go Through This Process

As you can determine by now, this process can be rather involved. It will be time-consuming and rather expensive in many ways. However, there are many good reasons why prototype testing is so important. Here are four of them.

Developers Receive Important Feedback Early On

During the design stage of any product, it is important that developers have feedback in regards to how it is going. If something does not work early on, changes can be made without wasting a lot of time and money. It is also important to make sure the product is being received as it was intended. This can all be determined during the testing phase.

New Ideas Can Be Gathered

The testing phase will typically include a number of participants and stakeholders. These are individuals who are invested in the eventual success of the product as well. They may take note of things that the design team has not noticed to this point. These ideas that are generated during the testing phase can help improve the product before it reaches the market.

Overall Costs Are Reduced

By catching mistakes early on in the design process, overall costs will actually be reduced. Errors can be costly. If a product reaches the market that has not been thoroughly tested, the expenses incurred can far outweigh the cost of the actual test itself.

The Target Audience Can Get Involved During Development

Every product is designed for a specific audience. While designers may think that they have a good pulse in terms of what the target group wants, it would be helpful to hear that from them. That is exactly what can happen during the testing stage. This knowledge can prove invaluable in the end.

It is important to develop and test prototypes. This will help you to create products that are ready for the market from day one. Spending some extra time on the front end during the design process will pay positive dividends down the road. You will want to keep that in mind.

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