Why 2020 Is the Golden Time to Become an Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs brainstorming
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

The year 2020 has been a challenging year so far, and difficulties in the past months may have imposed a negative aura around us. The pandemic has been causing stress in various industries and to their workers. However, opportunities for businesses will be abundant.

Look past the hardships and view them as opportunities to take on new endeavors. Having the mindset of an entrepreneur will show you that 2020 is the golden time for entrepreneurs. Yes, the pandemic is happening, but it is just a factor and not a hindrance. The year is not over yet, and 2020 is still a great year to become an entrepreneur.

Opportunities Amidst the Difficulties

The difficulties that you experience or observe can be the start of a business concept. Look at the opportunities that arise, such as the businesses that provide cleaning services, medical screening, and fashionable protection gear, to name a few. These types of companies can address the current situation and will be necessary during the pandemic.

Long-term opportunities could be within the lines of delivery services and remote applications that could be utilized for work, study, and fitness. Also, look at the possibilities that address entertainment. Technology will play an important role, such as the use of virtual reality for games and TV shows. There will also be a great demand for eCommerce and similar opportunities.

Those mentioned above are just some of the business ideas concerning the coronavirus pandemic. But with or without the COVID-19 crisis, here are some reasons why 2020 is the golden time to become an entrepreneur.

Accessibility of Tools

Artificial intelligence and technology have become a powerful tool that can help entrepreneurs apply business strategies. Digital marketing, automated processes, and even the personalizing of products have never been easier. Some statistics about AI showed that 37% of organizations implemented AI in their businesses and 40% of enterprises prioritized AI in their marketing and sales strategies. The plethora of applications will enable any entrepreneur to start, manage, and succeed in their endeavor.

Concept Testing

Put your business concept to the test by creating a webpage and populating it with your intended service or product. Buy some ads and put your page on the market. In a matter of days or weeks, you will gather pertinent data on how customers interacted with your concept. Utilize this information to improve your business plan and its implementation.

Business Advice

The Internet is an excellent place to do some research regarding your business idea. Also, when faced with an obstacle, various online resources like websites, blogs, and videos will surely provide answers.


Marketing strategy
Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

Almost everybody, if not all, has a social media account or has access to the Internet. It’s now easy to connect to other people all over the world. If you have a business that needs marketing, you may initially turn to your family and friends to help market it then rev it up with some marketing services.

Starting a business could be daunting, and failures are inevitable. However, there are helpful tools, techniques, and resources that will assist you in your journey. Various software and applications can support your business needs, and you can never run out of resources on the web. You can easily gather data, test your concept online, and have experts perform technical duties for you. Yet the most crucial factor is having the mindset that 2020 is indeed a great year to be an entrepreneur.

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