Podcast – Setting Up to Succeed – She Helps Entrepreneurs Get Their Structure Right

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Interview with Immigrant Entrepreneur and Legal Expert Catherine Delcin:

The Home Business Podcast is about helping you succeed in a home-based business. That foundation starts by getting your business set-up for succeed; including its legal structure. Catherine Delcin (CatherineDelcin.com) is an expert in getting entrepreneurs set up to succeed.

We also love success profiles on the podcast. Catherine Delcin has an Inspirational start-up story. Having immigrated to the U.S. from Haiti, she knows firsthand the value of opportunity and the determination required to turn one’s vision into reality.

Subjects discussed in podcast include:
• Catherine Delcin’s journey into her own business
• Start-up challenges she faced and how she overcame them
• Critical decisions when choosing the right business structure
• Protecting your intellectual property
• Steps involved in starting a business from a legal perspective
• Common legal mistakes entrepreneurs make and how to avoid them
• How Catherine helps entrepreneurs choose the right business structure
• Protecting intellectual property in a tech startup or product-based business
• One thing a podcast listener can do tomorrow to better legally shore up their business

Episode Spotlight: Lil’ Orbits (LilOrbits.com)

Interview Guest


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