How to Start and Build a Successful Cleaning Business

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Depositphotos 37395667 m 2015 e1509379971636

With tight and busy schedules, a lot of people would pay someone to take care of their cleaning needs. This has been a great opportunity for some entrepreneurs who have started cleaning companies that offer a range of cleaning services. Though many people would think that a cleaning business is a filthy job, it is not. In fact, you can earn more in a cleaning job than in most white-collar jobs. If you are thinking of a business to start, this might be a great idea. In this article, we are going to discuss a few tips that will guide you on the journey of starting a cleaning business.

Consumer or Commercial?

There are two main categories in the cleaning industry; consumer and commercial cleaning companies. Consumer cleaning companies offer basic residential cleaning services, including: sofa cleaning, wall scrubbing and carpet cleaning. On the other hand, commercial cleaning offers a range of janitorial services to companies and may include cleaning very large and high-traffic buildings. Such companies may be cleaning office floors, ensuring the restrooms are in order among other things. An example of this can be seen over at whose speciality is commercial cleaning. Their office cleaning services include washroom services, window cleaning, flooring cleaning, and periodical deep cleaning. Having a look at what their service entails will be a good starting point if you’re looking to work in this sector.

We can clearly see that the two ventures target two completely different markets. Even though it is recommended that you go with one niche, it is still possible to succeed in both fields but that requires more resources. Before starting a cleaning business, you have to decide whether you are going with consumer, commercial or both. This is important because you will have to make crucial procurement decisions depending on the cleaning service you want to offer. The procurement aspects that are determined by the type of cleaning venture you want to join include location, premises, licensing, equipment, human resources and so on.

Invest in the Right Equipment

As a business, your main goal is to make money, but then, the only way to make money is by delivering professional cleaning services. This is regardless of whether you are in the consumer or commercial sector. In that regard, it is imperative that you invest in the right equipment for quality cleaning. Not only does having professional equipment make work easier, it is also a show of a serious business which is good for your branding.

In this article, we won’t dwell on the equipment you need because the info is all out there, I’ll tell you of an untapped market as we speak; pet hair and carpet cleaning with specially designed robot vacuum cleaners. There are many pet owners who are stressed with the task of cleaning pet hair. If there are 2 or 3 pet owners in your neighborhood, there’s a high chance that they may be in need of your services. Instead of buying just any other vacuum cleaner, get a robotic vacuum cleaner for pet hair. Its performance in pet hair is just awesome. Carpets are also stubborn in households and get dirty easily and are very hard to clean. With the best robot vacuum cleaner for carpets, you will guarantee your customers deep and detailed cleaning. Above all, these cleaners are gentle on carpets and will not damage the fabric.

Invest in People

Any successful entrepreneur will tell you that employees are the backbone of any business or organization. Make sure you get the right people for the job. Remember, there’s one thing that you are chasing, quality. After securing your first job, the next task is to retain the customer and possibly request them to spread the word about your business. Make sure you get staff members that are skilled and, most importantly, keep the customer in mind.

Plan Your Marketing

You might have the best team and equipment but at the end of the day, how you market your business is of importance and very fundamental in the success of your business. Make sure you have a marketing budget and most importantly, spend it wisely.

Because you are just starting your business, it is advisable that you start with local marketing. A good way to kick-start your marketing campaign is going online. In the digital world, online marketing seems to be a great strategy because it is effective and you can execute it with any budget. Social media is a good platform that you can use to reach out to more people on a $1 budget. Perhaps the best thing about social media marketing is that you can set your target audience for higher ROI. While online marketing sounds like a good idea, offline campaigns like the use of posters and flyers as well as word-of-mouth will further boost your marketing.

Focus on Building a Brand

Now that your business is up and running, your focus should now shift to what will take your business to the next level. The surest way is by building a brand and identity. Make sure you have a logo designed, uniformed staff, branded equipment, professional support and so on. Above all, try to get a catchy USP that you will be identified with. Even after doing all this, there’s one more thing that will still matter, service quality. Make sure every client is satisfied with your work, charges and most importantly, your trustworthiness. Remember you will be tasked with cleaning their house. Most customers want to deal with trusted brands, so you need to transform your business into a brand.

Final Words

A cleaning business is a lucrative business that many people have found success in launching. However, as simple as it looks, it requires excellent management skills that are built on trust, quality, and affordability. If you are thinking of venturing into this business, make sure you get it right and take note of the above factors. That is the only way you will build a successful cleaning business.

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