Successful businesses involves a lot of time and dedication and they cannot survive without passion, responsibility, a great strategy and a positive attitude. As an entrepreneur with a solid background in dog business, Michael Schoeff has always known all these aspects have a strong impact on the structure of a business.
The background of an innovative business
Schoeff’s passion for dogs led him into dogs’ world and businesses where he met the great veterinarian Gary Rybka who is now one of his best friends. “His job as a veterinarian makes him interact with lots of dog owners, so he is always up to date with their challenges,” Schoeff says. “Most dog owners complained about potty training their puppies as they were busy persons and couldn’t stay at home all the time, so they had to find other persons to take care of their puppies.”
Schoeff has personally met persons that were scared of adopting dogs although they were dog lovers. He shares, “The responsibility to housetrain their dogs seemed to be appalling to them and they felt their free time was lost forever.”
The beginning of his business
All of these, including his background as a dog owner made Schoeff and Rybka think of a solution for pet owners. “Classic potty training is way too hard and demanding and involved patience, tolerance and lot of time,” Schoeff says. “So, after long brainstorming with Dr. Gary Rybka, we’ve decided to create an innovative system to potty train puppies that should make the entire process easier.”
They have started from the basic instinct of puppies to get up on things and they’ve created several designs of a crate in which puppies had the possibility to rest, sleep and play as well as to eliminate. They’ve designed an elevated loft for sleep and play and pee pads and tray clips for hassle-free clean on the bottom of the crate.
In 2013, they started the business at Schoeff’s home, where the space was very comfortable for them. They have created a small team dedicated to this project using finances from Schoeff’s other business. After designing the product for small and medium-sized dog breeds, they’ve started selling it.
…then the success came
The product, called The Pup Pee Poo Palace, was very well received by dog owners as they felt they can really benefit from it and save precious time and effort while housebreaking their puppies.
The main target for their product were the busy owners, but the product was also appreciated by other segments of customers. People have noticed their main benefits and Schoeff is happy to see that their customers are truly satisfied.
The sales recorded significant increases from one year to another and they are expecting to grow continuously as they are taking into consideration perpetual improvements of the product.
About Michael Schoeff
Michael Schoeff is the inventor and owner of Pup Pee Poo Palace and DoctorPup.com. He graduated Accounting and Finance at Mount Vernon Nazarene University and has always been passionate about dogs and their environment and development. His favorite motto is “Put your heart, mind and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.”