Online Betting and Cryptocurrency: How to Convert and Use for Sports Betting

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

With all that is going on in the world today, there isn’t much to do outside. Most of us— depending on where we are in the world—are stuck inside. We’ve been relegated to work from home or reduced hours. Heck, many of us have been laid off and are looking for online ventures to supplement a stifled income.

Trading cryptocurrencies can be an excellent side hustle if you have an analytical mind and enjoy deciphering data. A good example is Xripple’s current movement. The crypto was at $0.33 and fell to $0.13 over the last 24 hours. But has since climbed back up to $0.20. So, if you had been watching and bought in low, you could already have nearly doubled your money.

Bitcoin had its catastrophic fall on March 12th but has recovered most of its value. Now it’s hovering around $7,000.00 per coin. This is another example of getting in while low and selling higher. The daily highs and lows can easily range between $15 and $200 without any significant plummet. So, it’s all about the timing, watching, analyzing, and taking action.

Cryptos and Safehavening

As this novel coronavirus pandemic has unfolded, many have speculated about how to safe haven their investments. The BTC fall in the middle of March made a lot of BTC naysayers hop up on their shine-boxes and declare their victory. But since then the mother of all cryptos has climbed back up to around 7k and been pretty stable. Those who bought in before the coin hit 10k are still doing quite well, and those that hopped on the BTC bandwagon after it fell to 4k are sitting pretty for the time being.

Now, some are claiming cash to be the next safe haven, and of course, physical commodities like gold, silver, and platinum are a great investment.

Conversion Using Online Betting Outlets

But what about instant conversion? What if you want to turn your BTC, LTC, or ETH into cash, but don’t want it sitting in your crypto wallet or bank account?

On a list provided by SBR, the most trustworthy sportsbooks use BTC are shown. You can load your account quickly using Bitcoin, Litecoin, or Ethereum and it instantly gets converted to the fair market dollar amount. When you cash out, you can instantly cash out back to your preferred cryptocurrency, or go through a slower process to keep your funds in Dollars/GBP/Euros.

Online Betting Is Another Side Hustle

There are not a whole lot of sports to bet on at the moment since most events around the world are shut down. But there are still things to wager on such as Madden 2020 simulations and NBA2k game simulations. On top of this, Esports are still playing some of their online tournaments, and of course, you can still bet major sports futures, like who’ll win their division or their conference in the NFL, and the Super Bowl.

PDC Darts are still underway, and there are some fun entertainment options going on, like the Quarantine Eating Challenge, the Academy Awards, and props on the upcoming presidential elections.

The NFL and NBA futures won’t be a quick turnaround on your investment, but if you know what you’re doing it is an investment. The Academy Awards has definitive handicapping trends that you can research and if you follow the odds and make some wise choices, you can earn a few quarantine dollars on the Oscars.

A good example of this is: will Westside Story receive a nomination for best picture? The ‘Yes’ line is -200 and the ‘No’ line is +150. Although the return is negative, there is a lot of value on ‘yes’. If you bet $200 on yes, Westside Story doesn’t need to win, just be nominated and you’ll earn a cool $100 for your $200 risk. Another valuable bet is, the same film to win best director and best picture. No is -200, which would give you the same return as Westside Story nominated for best picture.

Again, you can use your cryptos to fund wagers like these. There are more than a few ways to turn your available capital into a few extra bucks. Whether that be day trading, gold trading, crypto trading, commodities, or at online sportsbooks.

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