How to Choose the Best Solo Ads Provider

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Depositphotos 89992526 m 2015 e1517419707420

Utilizing solo ads is a good idea if your main goal is to obtain targeted email subscribers. If you didn’t know, solo ads can help you to drive traffic to your landing pages, service, as well as products.

Many individuals who buy solo ads boost traffic to create an email list. Having a loyal email list must be your number one priority, since the attention span of many people is short. Many who visit a brand’s website will not subscribe the first time.

Obtaining people’s contact information like an email address is a great move, since you will be able to follow up with them regarding your targeted offers, promote new products, and encourage them to buy from you. According to advertising studies, it takes seven contacts before people will buy something.

If you are looking for the best solo ads provider that can help you with your marketing and advertising campaigns, then read on. Below are tips that you need to take into consideration when choosing one.

Tips for Choosing the Best Solo Ads Provider

1. Read testimonials and customer reviews

One way to ensure that you are dealing with a reliable provider is by reading testimonials. By doing this, you will be able to find out how the provider offers its services. What’s more, you can determine the quality of the services.

However, keep in mind that not all customer reviews or testimonials are true. Some websites post fake testimonials to attract more clients. So, you need to be very cautious.

2. Ask the provider how their list was made

There is no certainty that they will tell the truth. But hopefully, you will obtain an answer that looks realistic, like “I made this list by purchasing Facebook ads and sending them to a squeeze page.”

If your prospect provider gives you this kind of answer, make sure to ask them if you can see the squeeze page. If they refuse, it is best that you look for another provider.

3. Evaluate how they process a hard bounce 

A well-managed list gets rid of subscribers after a single hard bounce. While others stretch that to more hard bounces.

That being said, ask the provider how they process such bounces. If they tell you that they do not track hard bounces, don’t waste your time and look for another solo ad provider.

4. Consider the average response rate of their lists

You may want to know what the average CTR is and the average open rate is. Ask the provider what their average response rate is. If they tell you that every email is different, every page is different, well that is true.

These four tips can surely help you to find the best solo ad provider that can help you with your marketing goals.

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