What Are Hydroponics?


Have you seen a vegetable recently and thought it looked larger than most? Perhaps you even tasted one and thought there is something different about it. Guess what? There is! The Canada hydroponics team is here to explain exactly what hydroponics are and how you can grow your very own. Keep reading to learn more.

It’s first important to talk about the growth of hydroponics. You see, most regular and traditional gardening takes place by having someone or something water the plants while they are planted in soil. The plant uses a combination of the food and the soil to then start to grow. It does not get the plant food right away and typically since every plant is different it will either get a little too much or a little too little. This is perfectly normal and that’s how we end up with the vegetables that are grown for example.

With hydroponics, however, the exact amount of nutrients is given to the plant. That means it is receiving the exact amount of nutrients in order to be at its optimal levels. How great is that? That means that the plant receives a combination or food and water perfectly for its needs. This causes it to not only grow much faster but be even larger too.

There are many purposes to hydroponics growing. It typically started out and still has the rumors today that it is more just for marijuana growing. That is not in any way the case. More and more people are seeing the benefits of hydroponics and are growing their food this way too.

Another great benefit of hydroponics is that it is better for the environment. If you love gardening that you probably are environmentally conscious too. The planet is a beautiful place and we want to work hard to keep it this way. That is why hydroponics is so important for the planet too. Since nothing is ever being wasted, we end up being able to use a lot less of it. We can use the exact amount we need and not overfeed or over water the plants. Isn’t that great?

One of the negatives about hydroponics would be for people making the food in large quantities. When we say large quantities, we mean full farms. This is because each plant does require more maintenance and checking on (to see how their hydration levels are at etc) and therefore a farm would have a harder time gardening this way as they grow their produce in large quantities.

There are many different ways to grow hydroponics. There is the traditional way and each different way still has the same benefits. But it will depend on what you are growing and how many for the exact method of hydroponics growing.

So, how exactly do hydroponics grow then? Great question. As we said, there are a couple of different methods. The most popular method is to stand your plant and allow the nutrients to run through it. It will trickle into the roots through the use of gravity as it is held upside down as well as a pump. This technique is called the nutrient-film technique. Nutrients are consistently being delivered to it. There are other methods which you can grow plants with the roots giving nutrient-enriched soil. If you are wanted to AeroGarden, you are growing the plants in air and their roots are being given humid air. The theory behind it is that the nutrient-rich aerosol is full of minerals.

As you can see, there are so many great benefits to hydroponics. Not only is it better for the environment but it will give you delicious products that grow even faster. Yes, they can be slightly more expensive, but not much at all. Especially when you weigh all of the great positives about them.

There are many different ways to plant and grow hydroponics so make sure that you choose the options that will best suit you. For more information on growing hydroponics or to speak with one of our great staff members, give us a call today. We look forward to hearing from you.

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