Top 4 Businesses for Getting Divorce Forms


It is never easy to pronounce divorce to a couple who have lived for years in the same house, did things together and now have reached the breaking point. In most cases, couples get lawyers who will help them through the process of divorce and it may be a tedious and expensive means to the end.

However, divorce does not have to be expensive. Once the spouses agree on divorce, they need to plan out their finances, divide their assets among themselves and get official documents online for their divorce. This will be a less tedious and cheaper process; the couple can then transition to their next path.

The time taken to process the papers is less compared to going through the courts for an official divorce. There are a variety of online divorce services that offer outstanding facilities, and we are going to detail a few of them.

If a couple is in disagreement such as on dividing their wealth, they should go through a lawyer or an attorney who will help out during the entire process.

1. CompleteCase

CompleteCase is a service that evades the use of an attorney, and the couple has the freedom to DIY through logging in to the site. It takes less time to answer the questions that are asked online. However, it must be for uncontested cases. For instance, if the couple agrees to separate and all issues relating to the division of assets, custody of children, etc. have been agreed on, then CompleteCase comes in handy.

How to Access CompleteCase for Services

There are three steps that will help one to access CompleteCase.

  1. Sign up to
  2. Select the state of residence for both of you.
  3. Start answering questions as prompted.

After signing up and starting the process, the next step is to open an account which demands payment for the service. You can pay through the online payments method that is available, and you are officially booked for the entire process. In most cases, the process can last for a month, but in the event you are not content with the information, then you can extend further until you are comfortable with the whole process.

Forms are available online, and you must download and fill out as much information as possible. The service will be swift if you are open when providing the information that is required.


CompleteCase is one of the credible divorce service sites that is available online. Founded in the year 2000, it has continued offering services to major customers, and over 700,000 people have gone through the service successfully.

Some of the big names like Good Morning America and other programs have highlighted CompleteCase, and this adds credibility and assurance of the excellent services that are offered. Better Business Bureau accredited CompleteCase with an A rating, which accounts for 4.3 out of 5 starts since the year 2013. This means that one should have the confidence to go through their divorce services.


People worry about the security of their information the moment they use online services. CompleteCase has been declared secure by McAfee and GoDaddy has verified that it is a secure site. They assert that no information will leak from the site and confidentiality is enhanced.


The initial cost is $299. One can go the extra mile and seek more confidentiality, but this calls for an additional $299.

Since the service will offer the court filing services, it depends on where one lives. This ranges from $300-$500.

However, if the case rejects the documents, they offer a refund of the amount charged for filing the divorce documents.

Pros of Using CompleteCase Service

It helps to save money and time for couples. An attorney will charge higher for the court attendance and filing of divorce papers. Depending on where you live, CompleteCase will guide you in the event there is a waiver of the court filing fee.

The site helps people file court documents which is a rare case with online divorce service sites.


If an online divorce service is something you’re interested in, consider CompleteCase and you will not be disappointed.

2. Divorce.LegalZoom is protected by the LegalZoom site, where all information is obtained online.

The first step involved is signing up for the service through the main site which is LegalZoom and specifying that you require divorce support.

It is a simple, convenient site and you can file your documents with ease.

The support staff will be a step-by-step guide until you complete the filing of court papers.

LegalZoom will deal with uncontested cases of the anticipated divorce and will advise that in cases of controversy, the couple should engage a lawyer to proceed with the court proceedings.

Steps Involved in Registration

  1. Confirm the eligibility of the service. LegalZoom will first determine if you have any contested issues before accepting you.
  2. Completing the online questionnaire. Several questions will be asked such as your nationality, age, and number of children. This is all to know whom they are dealing with so they can offer support according to your needs.
  3. Printing of the forms that are filled for further instructions and filing.


It depends on where you want to be placed. LegalZoom has three different available pricing lists which are Economy, Standard, and Express. The legal team will give appropriate advice on the best package to choose.


Once you finish with the registration service, you are eligible to get the forms which are filled out for the divorce proceedings.

The documentation is customized depending on where you live, the amount of your wealth and number of children.

Pros of Using Divorce.LegalZoom

  • Fast, easy and efficient services.
  • Accuracy in form filing which is a very critical part when it comes to filing divorce papers.
  • Offering the best legal and up-to-date advice from the lawyers in the state that you live in.
  • Access to email and phone support from the customer experience staff.


If you need a personalized legal solution in an uncontested divorce, with LegalZoom you will get all the support services required until you are through with the entire process.

3. DivorceFiller is another excellent online service that offers services to people who want to file for an uncontested divorce at a reasonable time and cost.

You can get the divorce papers done in two days and with a manageable cost of around $149.

DivorceFiller does not involve itself with complicated cases that include dividing assets among the couple or custody situations; they will advise the person to get services in a court of law through the use of an attorney.

There are no mediation services between the spouses. All they have to do is file the divorce documents and wait for a final decision from the courts.

As soon as the courts make a decree, the spouses will move forward to process the divorce certificate with ease.

How DivorceFiller Works

There are three processes involved.

  1. Creating an account. This enables one to know whether they qualify for an online divorce service.
  2. Interview. When one is eligible, they go through an interview process.
  3. Accessing documents. The court filing documents are accessed online to be later submitted to the court in their state.

Why Choose DivorceFiller

  • Guarantee of court approvals- Documents processed through the site are credible and meet the state requirements. It’s not easy for them to backfire.
  • More than 500,000 customers have given reviews of positive encounters with the site.
  • One does not have to hire a lawyer. There is a strong commitment and efficiency of the customer care staff.

Pros of Using DivorceFiller

  • There are no hidden charges. One complete payment is made once you subscribe.
  • Efficient customer service support.
  • Forms are filled that meet the requirements of the state.
  • Affordable pricing.


Having helped over 500,000 people go through the divorce process, it’s enough proof that this is a credible site to work with for efficient and fast delivery of service.

4. OnlineDivorce is an online service that offers a less painful experience when going through the divorce process.

How OnlineDivorce Works

  • One only needs to log in and register online through the website.
  • Once you register, you will need to go through the following steps for eligibility.
    • Confirm if you qualify.
    • Answer the questions asked and provide as much information as possible.
    • Go through the completed forms and check for any errors. Make any amendments where applicable.
    • Complete the filing of documents.

Why Choose OnlineDivorce

  • Forms processed through them enjoy 100% approval in the courts.
  • Experienced staff.
  • Convenient and straightforward way of processing the divorce documents.

Pros of Using OnlineDivorce

  • Saves on attorney fees.
  • Dedicated customer service staff.
  • No hidden charges. There is an online payment system provided by the site.
  • Secure form filling instructions and one can fill them out at their convenience at home.
  • Can use any device to fill the forms, making the entire process less complicated.


Divorce is a process that often leaves hearts grieving and business owners stressed. It’s important to look for ways to ease the pain, help the transition in a more natural way and look for options to make it happen.

Choosing an online service that suits you best is a good option, especially if the divorce is not contested. Remember that there is a life to live after the process is over.

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