Why Getting Enough Deep Sleep Is Important for Having Young-looking Skin

Woman with Jade Roller for Anti-aging

Being sleep deprived is unhealthy and makes people look older than their age. We become sluggish, unable to focus and are prone to committing errors. Yet we wear our eyebags and dark circles like a badge of honor – under our correctors and concealers. We’re confident that our trusty jade roller for anti-aging will roll our puffy eyes away. It could be the current YOLO mantra afflicting most of us, whether we know it or not. Or there’s just too much to do in a single day and sleep doesn’t even make it on our to-do list for the day.

The old rule was we need at least 8 hours of sleep at night. This was relaxed and qualified, with experts stressing quality over quantity. Most adults need 7 to 9 hours of sleep and approximately 2 hours of deep sleep.

Deep sleep is when the magic happens. Growth hormones are released, helping our bodies to repair and heal. There’s an increase in glucose metabolism in our brains, sustaining our learning. Our energies are restored, there’s an increase of blood supply to our muscles and our immune system is strengthened.

What happens when we don’t get enough sleep? We retain water, which gives us eye bags and dark circles. Our cortisol levels increase, which leads to weight gain and inflammation. Lack of sleep has also been linked to dementia, Alzheimer’s, diabetes and heart disease.

Relationships can be affected and overall mental health will suffer. So, how do we get enough deep sleep in the evening?


Exercising regularly decreases our stress levels. It also tires our bodies so that in the evening, we’re ready to drop and sleep.

Skip the caffeine

Drinking a warm beverage can be relaxing and comforting but drinking coffee or anything with caffeine prevents us from having a restful night. Instead, drink some herbal tea or warm milk.

Indulge in a facial massage using a jade roller for anti-aging

You’ll be going through your skincare routine anyway so use eDiva, your favorite jade roller for anti-aging, to massage your moisturizer onto your face instead of your fingers. The jade roller for anti-aging helps your skin absorb the product better. It will also relax you, coax blood circulation and removes any congestion in your lymphatic system.

Develop a schedule

Train yourself to be asleep at a certain time. It won’t work the first few times but just be in bed by your designated bed time, read a book or listen to soothing music until you feel tired and sleepy enough. Once you’re used to the routine, you’ll have a hard time staying awake when it’s your bedtime.

Having young looking skin is directly related to the quality of sleep we get every evening. Being constantly sleep deprived not only makes our skin look bad, it also adversely affects our health. We can adapt some simple habits, such as regularizing our sleeping pattern, using the eDiva jade roller for anti-aging and exercising regularly to ensure we get the right amount of sleep.

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