What Does Your Favourite Online Game Say About You?

Photo by mentatdgt from Pexels

The decision to play any online game can be influenced by a variety of external factors — like what our friends are playing, a great marketing campaign or where they’re featured in the App or Play stores. However, your personality can also be widely reflected in the games you choose…

Are you influenced by attractive designs and interfaces, or could it be the theme or storyline that draws you in? Do you enjoy puzzles and adventure games? Or are bonus-boosting free slots more up you street? Whichever one you choose to play can reveal more about your character than you might think.

Are you drawn to great design?

If the first thing you notice when browsing online games is the way they look, then it’s likely you are a visual person. Visual people are often extremely creative and excel in vibrant environments which inspire them. This could be through colour schemes, captivating characters and emotive themes. While visual people are often widely considered to be fun and spontaneous, they are also naturally curious. It wouldn’t be unusual for them to have a considerable number of favourite games with a great variety of themes and designs. The free slots offered by Caesars Games is a great go-to destination for visual online gamers as they all boast their own eye-catching animations and an array of interesting characters.

Do puzzles catch your attention?

If it’s the mystery of a puzzle that keeps you entertained, then the chances are you’re an analytical person. Gamers with this character trait are known for their patience and perseverance. They thrive during challenging times and are especially good at focusing their attention on the task at hand. Analytical thinkers are also known for being self-disciplined and reliable. They are generally more grounded and less impulsive than other personalities.

Is the story important to you?

If it’s the storyline behind the game you find yourself drawn to then you’re likely to be a curious person. Those who enjoy the entire experience of the game as opposed to just the game play itself are usually confident, passionate and driven. They strive to gain knowledge and learn, and get the most out of playing games with immersive themes. This kind of gamer is also likely to have a very vivid imagination. If this sounds like you than why not explore some of the historical and literary-inspired online slots?

Is socialising essential for you?

New developments in online gaming mean it’s easier than ever before to connect with your friends during play. For many, the ability to communicate with others is vital to their enjoyment of the game itself whether though live voice chat or an alternative messaging feature. These kind of gamers may be known for their openness and enthusiasm. They are also commonly found to be action-orientated and outgoing. Social people are natural problem solvers and succeed in scenarios involving teamwork and helping others.

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