Online Businesses That Actually Make Money

Online Businesses That Actually Make Money

The job market is not exactly doing very well, so it can be difficult for people who are sending in over 100 resumes a week. Even if you have a job, grinding away from 9-to-5 or more hours can be very exhausting. Working endlessly each day might get you nowhere, and it may take you a while before you can retire.

The famous Robert Kiyosaki spread the wisdom of questioning why one should work for money when you can have money work for you. The best parts about having an online business are that you can work in the comfort of your own home, enjoy flexible hours and make money while you sleep.

If you are interested in the idea, here are some online adventurous that you can pursue to make substantial income.

Real Estate Business

People often think that you need millions of dollars in order to start a real estate business. However, you can make money without spending much by creating real estate investor websites. These websites often cost less than $50 to create a domain and the website itself. After you have created one, you just need to invest in an ad campaign and search engine optimization, and you are on your way to get paid selling houses. This is an amazing opportunity because you can work whenever you want, even while you are taking a nap. It’s a wonderful way to make passive income.


E-commerce is an excellent route to make millions of dollars in passive income. All you have to do is invest in a Shopify store, and do some dropshipping and you’re on your way to making money. In fact, Shopify is so easy to use that you can start your business on the same day that you create your website. If you are interested in a specific niche like makeup, you can create a Shopify page that sells makeup products. The dropshipping company will provide you with high-quality products that you can sell.

Once the customer has purchased them, the manufacture from the dropshipping company will send the product to them. That way you won’t have to expend time and money dealing with a distribution center and having all these supplies on hand. This is what makes Shopify e-commerce risk-free because if you don’t sell that much, you won’t lose profit from dozens of supplies that you purchase from a warehouse.

Content Writing

If you love writing, then this is the business for you. All you have to do is join writing platforms like Hire Writers or iWriters, and you will experience an influx of clients and projects. It’s very flexible; if you feel like making money today, you can open up a platform and start picking projects. The only downside to this type of business is that you only make money if you work. That means you lose the luxury of a passive income. However, if this is something you are passionate about, then by all means go for it. Content writing has become a highly sought after service because a lot of websites need blogs and content for SEO purposes and to inform their audience.


The great part about blogging is that you can write about anything you want. If you are obsessed with dogs and cats, you can create an animal blog and start showcasing your knowledge. You can make money by promoting products, services and through Google AdSense. Every time someone clicks on an advertisement, you make a commission. If you are a popular blogger, then companies will pay you on a monthly basis to write about their products and services. This is a wonderful opportunity to make an amazing passive income, work whenever and wherever you want and to unleash your creativity. What more can you ask for?

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is an interesting way to make a flexible and passive income. Sign up for a product or program. The most popular program that people use is Amazon Associates. After that, research specific niches or products that you want to promote. If you are passionate about vitamins, promote some all-natural supplements. You can write reviews on each type of vitamin in a personal and professional manner. Then, provide links to the vitamins so your readers can click and purchase. You can publish these reviews on a blog or other writing platforms such as Each time a person clicks on the link from your article and purchases a product, you will make a very nice commission from it.

Health Coach

If you are knowledgeable about nutrition, dieting, fitness, and wellness in general, then you can start a health coach business. Create a website that showcases your skills and expertise. Implement a calendar where clients can schedule an appointment with you. Usually, health coaches charge $100-$200 per session. They have subscription services where they charge $1000-$3000 per month to consult the client on a weekly basis. This can be a very lucrative business because you can make a lot of money by consulting a couple of clients. It’s like being a doctor, but without prescribing medicine, physical exams or running a clinic.

Creating an online business can give you the luxury to make money and spend more time with your family. It might be tough at first because you have to find ways to get visibility and conversions, but after you get through the hurdles, it’s smooth sailing from there. The great part about an online business is that it does not often require a lot of investment.

People who succeed with their first online adventure often use their experience to launch more businesses to supplement their income. After all, the possibilities are endless when it comes to the online business world.

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