Why Style Matters When You Are an Entrepreneur

Stylish Businesswoman
Photo by Retha Ferguson from Pexels

First impressions make a huge impact in whatever walk of life you come from. When you meet someone for the first time, how they dress and how they greet you will leave a lasting impression. A scruffy person who makes no eye contact with you is unlikely to make your Christmas card list, whereas somebody who is overly formal can come across as stuffy and not in touch with the modern world. What you are looking for is the fine balance between being smart, stylish, and trendy but not like you just walked out of high school. Here we are going to take a look at why style matters when you are an entrepreneur.


The way you dress says a lot about who you are as a person and how you feel within yourself. The better you look, the better you feel, and this has been true through all the ages of humanity. If you put on a smart suit and polish your shoes you will leave your house in the morning with your head held high, and may even draw admiring glances. This transfers to the business world because when you walk into a meeting with an air of confidence about you, you are saying to the others in the room that you are a strong confident person who knows what they are talking about. You will immediately gain respect, which is key for any budding entrepreneur.

Sending a Message

The way you dress should also be sending a message about you to those you are doing business with. Turning up in shorts and flip flops really will give the impression that you have stepped off the beach. However, experts from https://vintageshirts.io/ can help you manage your wardrobe so that in those meetings with young tech entrepreneurs you can effortlessly fit and look the part, giving the message that you are at home in their environment. This will allow both parties to feel comfortable and you are much more likely to be able to negotiate that mutually beneficial new deal.

Leveling the Playing Field

Sometimes it is important not to intimidate those you are trying to do business with. Sure, you want that new contract but maybe wearing a power suit and high heels just isn’t appropriate if your competitor always shows up in scruffy jeans and a t-shirt. By dressing down to their level you will show that you are an adaptable businessperson and you will also portray the fact you are not trying to be overbearing or trying to show a sense of superiority. Immediately you give the impression of ease which will make negotiations follow much more smoothly.

Don’t Show Off

The worst thing you can do as an entrepreneur is show off. If you turn up to a meeting driving a Ferrari, wearing a Saville row suit, with the latest Swiss watch on your wrist and you are trying to sell pet food, then you are going to be laughed at and no one will buy from you because they will feel that you are trying to show off, and already have too much money. Similarly, if you are trying to act the cool dude by rocking up in sunglasses with your shirt unbuttoned down to the navel when you are trying to negotiate a loan from the bank, then you will probably give the impression of arrogance and a sense that you are above it all, and you are unlikely to receive the loan you need. Always dress to a level that is appropriate for the people you are meeting with, and don’t go over the top.

Stylish Entrepreneur
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay


Accessories can enhance any look and can give you a certain style that sets you apart from the crowd. A quality leather briefcase shows that you take pride in your business effects which will only reflect well on your overall view of doing business. A stylish broach that complements the colour of your blouse will give the impression that you care about the finer details which also bodes well for the way you handle your business dealings. Accessories can really help to bring out your personality so use them well to project a subtle clue to your style as an entrepreneur.

As we have discovered style is key to any entrepreneur as first impressions matter. Tailor your daily style to the meetings you have at hand and try and match the way your adversary dresses so that you bring a sense of equality to negotiations. Try and show your personality through the use of accessories, and above all, remember to dress with confidence if you want to portray yourself as a stylish entrepreneur in the best possible light.

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