Attic Insulation in Toronto

Attic interior

In today’s dynamic climate, there’s nothing more important than to make sure that the house you live in is as comfy as you would desire. A well-insulated and ventilated house is what defines comfort here, and more precisely, a finely insulated attic spices up the whole idea of coziness.

Traditionally, attic insulation was unheard of in Toronto as people relied on DIY ways to keep the house warm in winter and cool in the summer days. Though the DIY insulation techniques did help to a certain extent, insulation has proved to be the most effective way to cut down on energy and electricity bills. With the right insulation installed in your loft, you need not worry about high temperatures during summer or the cold of the winter.

We have written an article to explain why you need to insulate your attic especially if you live in Toronto. Keep reading to get all that you need to know about this energy-efficient technique of installing insulation in your attic.

What to Know When Choosing an Insulation Type

Before you go fetching for attic insulation in Toronto, there are few must-know tips you need to carry along. Insulating your attic is not just about coziness and keeping your house fresh; it involves making sure that your house’s internal environment is free of temperature fluctuations and at the same time does not compromise on comfort. This means that the insulation you choose must be one that reduces moisture accumulation to ensure it does not allow air to leak in or out uncontrollably.

Have You Heard of R-Value?

We also gathered that the quality of any attic insulation procedure ranks by the R-value it has. R-value measures the ability of the insulation type to resist energy transfer past the insulation. Pick the insulation type with the highest R-value because the higher it is, the more efficient it is in saving energy. According to the Ontario Building Code, it was expected that by 2018, the recommended R-value for any Attic insulation be 50-60. This value has improved over the years, because in the early ’90s, the R-value was expected to be R-32.

Use the Right Materials

Apart from your insulation having the right R-value, it is vital that the company you hire to get the job done uses the right insulation materials. It is recommended that materials used to be not only safe and near-natural, but they are to be durable and versatile; most preferably they are Canadian-approved materials. The insulation type should sync well with the ventilation design so as not to interfere with the flow of air circulation in your attic.

In simplified terms, the right attic insulation will meet your tastes and be in tandem with the expected standards. However, the most crucial aim for you to reach for is one that helps you to cut down your energy and electricity bills. Many companies have claimed to be the best in this field, but just do yourself a favor and know what you want your attic to look like.

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