Priyanka Prakash – Podcast – Millennial Money – Overcoming Financial Barriers to Entrepreneurship

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Interview with Priyanka Prakash of Fundera

Millennials and Business are a Hot topic in Home Business. However, rates of Millennial entrepreneurship are relatively low among millennials compared to their Generation X and baby boomer predecessors.

Priyanka Prakash
Priyanka Prakash is an attorney with Fundera and she has been featured in Inc,, CNBC,, and Fit Small Business

Financial barriers to entry are holding many millennials back, including higher levels of student loan debt and higher retirement, housing, and healthcare expenses than previous generations faced. These barriers are pushing too many millennials to turn to the “security” of full-time employment. But what about millennials who want to become entrepreneurs?

To help us to review Millennial financials – and break through financial barriers – “Capt’n” Henderson and Sherilyn Colleen interview Priyanka Prakash with Fundera. She has been featured in Inc, CNBC, Fit Small Business and is an attorney. *

fundera Priyanka Prakash

Subjects discussed in podcast include:

  • Why there are fewer millennial entrepreneurs than older generations?
  • Millennial business performance that is highly competitive
  • How millennial entrepreneurs compare to older generations when it comes to business revenue and success
  • Are younger entrepreneurs more or less likely to make risky business financial decisions?
  • How the number of small business start-ups for young entrepreneurs will change over time, as millennials grow older and Generation Z comes of age?
  • What is the most important lesson for millennial entrepreneurs looking for financing?
  • Advice for Millennials as they go through options for raising funds

Episode Sponsor: Ideal Directories *

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Interview Guest:

Priyanka Prakash with Fundera











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