5 Tips for Making Your Offices More Friendly and Warm

Happy office team

Do you know why Google is one of the best companies in the world? It is simple; they have content employees because they have provided them with a good office experience. If employees are happy, then they will be motivated, creative and more productive. They will be the kind of people who want to be there and not because they have to be there.

However, to achieve all this, you need to create a favorable work experience for your workers. A happy workplace is a result of both tangible and intangible changes. Here is a look at a few tips you can use to make your offices friendlier and warmer. While installing a decorative commercial window film works great, there are other tips that can help too.

#1. Create a Clean and Comfortable Office Environment

When you look at your office, do you see a neat and orderly working space? Does it give you the motivation to want to work or do you feel the need to dash in the opposite direction? You don’t have to be a psychologist to know that a clean workspace creates a suitable working environment.

Most of the time, you spend the majority of your days or time at the office. Therefore, a messy working space can cause health issues. If you are seeking to avoid an epidemic, then you should learn to keep the office clean. There are bound to be high and low-impact benefits once all employees choose and opt to work in a clean office space. You can clean up the office by:

  • Reducing clutter by organizing files, memos, reports and other piles of documents
  • Use recycle bins
  • Make it an office policy to always have it clean and organized

Once you have a clean office, you will be surprised at how your employees’ working morale increases.

#2. Improve the Lighting

Studies show that lighting plays a vital part in workers’ morale and attitude. In this case, I am talking about natural lighting. However, more than half of offices have little or no lighting at all.

If your office does not receive much natural light, this is quite common and there are various ways in which you can incorporate the right amount of lighting into your workplace.

Choose warm lighting that is fun and fitting for the office. For instance, choose fun lighting from blue-enriched bulbs which will create a more pleasant mood. Lighting complements the whole office decor.

#3. Improve Communication

If you are looking to make the office environment happier, then open communication is key. In every office, every employee feels the need to share their thoughts and know that their ideas are being valued. Communication is important:

  • Increases employee productivity
  • Increases office efficiency
  • Creates a feeling of job satisfaction
  • Reduces employee absenteeism

If you are looking to improve in communication, there are two ways in which you can accomplish this:

  • Change Your Office Policies

If you are an office manager, take it upon yourself to change the policies in your office. This can be done by ensuring that office managers and other heads of departments listen to staff suggestions. As I said earlier, every employee likes to feel that their opinions and ideas are valued. This can only be achieved through open communication.

  • Change Your Business Software

You can change your HR software to accommodate employee needs. For instance, employees may want to change their schedule, thus you can use HR software to accommodate such changes.

#4. Hire Cooperative Employees and Don’t Be Afraid to Let the Bad Ones Go

Did you know that one bad attitude can influence the overall working environment? Every businessperson knows that there is a need to hire people who are professionals and team players.

If you have an individual who has a negative impact on the office, don’t be afraid to let them go. A toxic person is more likely to influence the other employees and trust me that is not good for business. Although it might seem like a harsh thing to let some people go, you have to put the goals of the office first.

#5. Promote Respect

One of the easiest and best things you can do at the office is to encourage respect among the employees. There are different kinds of personalities which you will find at the office, and some are bound to clash. This can be avoided. It does not matter what kind of position individuals hold in the office. As long as there is respect, there will be a happy working space.

So, what are your ideas to improve your office environment?

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