Catering to Business Needs: Must-Have Skills Worth Building to Succeed

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There’s a saying in sales…

Under promise, over deliver.

This is the notion where an offer is promoted in the humblest of manners. Then, the customer is swept off their feet using stellar value and customer service.

Your place at your main job is like sales.

Every day you are selling your value and attempting to create an impression with the higher-ups. An act done so you’re noticed and compensated for the value you deliver, and so you can continue making an income while growing your home-based business. Your resume and training period set the expectations… blow them away and you’ll find yourself on the path to great success.

Here are those skills worth building to get recognized.

#1: Communication

Effective communication is the backbone of business as it improves:

  • Sales
  • Customer relations
  • Project management

Great communication saves money by way of keeping work on track. Time isn’t wasted on miscommunication nor business lost when handling customers.

Do this:

  1. Get out of your comfort zone and socialize more
  2. Learn from effective communicators and replicate their style
  3. Be willing to take risks and command when you’re backed by facts

Use data in your favor whenever pitching ideas. Show charts, graphs, and reports to verify your beliefs which aids in convincing coworkers and higher-ups.

#2: Reduce waste

Few employees realize the expense of operating a business. The overhead is high between items like taxes, inventory, payroll, and marketing. One mistake made by an employee has the potential to send the business in the red!

Make every day one where you eliminate waste – in areas like:

  • Routine activities
  • Use of supplies
  • Relationships

Consider keeping a daily journal to document your typical day. With it, mark moments you’re distracted or wasteful with physical and mental resources. Then, create a plan to systemize your activities.

Use these to improve the process:

  • Learn Lean Six Sigma principles to identify and improve processes
  • Use tools like or to create workflow documents

The goal is to create a step-by-step procedure to your work efforts. This improves productivity and output while reducing waste. Higher ups are bound to notice these improvements.

#3:  Technical Prowess

Businesses rely on hardware and software for their operations. Often, they hire specialized employees or outsource and delegate to handle these demands. The cost for either is a great expense for the business and sometimes impossible to undertake if budgets are tight.

What are tech skills worth exploring?

  • Accounting
  • Marketing
  • Advertising
  • Legal
  • Coding

Returning to higher education may not be an option due to time and financial restrictions. That’s okay. Online learning hubs, professional meetups, and a wealth of books will deliver the opportunity. Learning any of these – pitched right – can see your tasks expand with pay along with it.

A Quick Run-down of Secondary Skills

Want extra valuable skills employers seek?

  • Problem-solving
  • Persuasiveness
  • Personal management
  • Resilience
  • Positivity

A great way to know exactly which you should develop is often outlined in the employee culture guide. These guides talk about the core values held by the business and its employees. You can often grab a copy through the business site or by talking with HR.

The business does not offer a culture guide? Take initiative and introduce one!

Taking the Skills One Step Further

Here’s the thing…

Each of these skills creates a better, worldly experience.

  • Sales will improve your assertiveness
  • Communication will improve your authority
  • Accounting will improve your finances

… you get the idea.

These aren’t just work skills – they’re life skills!

Frankly, there’s no downside to learning them.

Here’s your task:

  1. Identify the skill gaps in your workplace
  2. Plan to learn these skills using educational resources
  3. Study and practice every day
  4. Pitch the newfound skills to your employer
  5. Negotiate better pay and responsibilities

Sounds tough? It is… but that’s how you get ahead.

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