The Common Motivational Issues of First-Time Entrepreneurs

Becoming an entrepreneur is not an easy thing to do. This is because being an entrepreneur is not a regular 9-to-5 job and it requires more hard work and more investment. A person needs to learn many things and consider various factors in order to establish a good business plan for a good entrepreneurial career.

This is a road for the brave and, apart from the fact that you have to learn about marketing, investment, taxes, product development and so on, you will also have to learn to handle your own demons as you go through this for the first time. Even if you are able to organize yourself to make the most of of each day, there is a chance that all of this can get to you and you end up losing your motivation.

We are human after all, and if you don’t have motivation, you will never be able to push your entrepreneurial ideas forward. Even if you have a talent for this, without motivation, all of it will go to waste. So, here are some of the most important things to keep in mind when starting your entrepreneurial career.


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When fear kicks in, there will be a part of you that will be willing to give up and stop moving forward. Your progress will be slowed down, you will start being too careful and, although this could be good in some cases, most of the time, you will just imagine more risks and negative scenarios.

Entrepreneurship requires a lot of risk-taking and jumping into something, hoping for the best. There is no certainty in business and there is always a certain amount of risk involved. Of course, assessing these risks is important, but once you rationally determine that something has potential, you can’t let fear hold you back from making business moves.

To overcome fear, you must learn to let go, do something you’ve never done, go bungee jumping, go to a psychic reading session, and try not to take everything seriously. A bit of irrationality can help you blow off steam and have more confidence in your actions.

Not getting quick results

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A lot of people think that they will be able to make great business results in a short amount of time. Fresh entrepreneurs always have a lot of faith in their ideas and they expect to start making a good amount of money in just six month. This won’t happen in most cases and, when new entrepreneurs realize this, they lose all of their motivation.

You have to lower your expectations before starting your business venture, as only a tiny portion of new businesses are able to make quick results and become profitable. Forget about the overnight success stories you read or heard about and prepare yourself for investing a lot of effort for at least two years before your business starts making money.

Nothing in business happens overnight and, before you can get something in return, you will need to prepare yourself to invest a lot of money and hard work as well. There is a reason why not many people have the courage to become entrepreneurs, and it’s simply because of this fact.

Losing motivation because of the amount of work

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As we’ve said before, becoming a successful entrepreneur is not an easy thing to do, and it requires constant work and dedication. A lot of people look at one aspect of the whole thing, them becoming the person in charge of the company and its employees.

Although you will have these perks eventually, if you can call them that, there is the other side that requires from the entrepreneur to work more than everyone else. You are the person in charge, you are the one that keeps the ship sailing. Being a business leader means that you will have to be the one working the most and constantly thinking about your venture and the options available for it.

If you have employees, they will be there working their hours, and when they go home, they will stop thinking about their work. You, on the the other hand, will always work on improving your business and finding new ways to expand in the future. This is something you need to be aware of even though you won’t get anything in return any time soon.

Having the feeling that you are alone

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This can happen to any entrepreneur and especially to those who work from their homes on their own. At some point, there will come a day when you will feel like not working and going outside and grabbing a drink with your friends. This is because we are social beings and sometimes our social lives can affect our work and make us feel demotivated.

This is the time when you need to take a break, relax, and spend more time with your friends and family. Entrepreneurs tend to be pressured into working harder and harder, thinking that this is how they will achieve all of the goals that they’ve set for themselves.

However, you will burn out at some time point and feel alone, trapped in your work, and you’ll get the sense that everything is passing you by. Take a break, spend time with your friends, sleep, and decompress. When you relax your mind, you will get the energy you need to work on your future business incentives and get fresh motivation from positive emotions.

A lot of people suggest setting big goals in order to prevent losing motivation. However, this is a source of motivation that can be easily depleted and you need instant measures that you can take to find the surge of motivation that you need to refresh your mind. When you start falling behind, this mechanism can backfire and you might start losing motivation as you are unable to keep up with the schedule you’ve set.

Keep these things in mind when starting our entrepreneurial career and always find new ways to remember what the goal of your work really is.

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