Single Mompreneurs of Atlanta: An Interview with Show Creator Muriam Cinevert


Women entrepreneurs own 10.6 million businesses in the United States, which accounts for 2.5 trillion in sales. As single parenthood becomes the new norm, being able to appeal to both female entrepreneurs, single parents AND the intersection of both groups mean a great deal of influence. A new reality television show from A Muriam Cinervert Production in association with HWF Productions, Single Mompreneurs of Atlanta can be viewed as the go-to show for moms on a mission to live their dreams and create a better
life for their families.

Single Mompreneurs of Atlanta follows the trumps and triumphs of single-mom entrepreneurs, who are working to balance their business, parenthood, and their personal lives. The show seeks to motivate, inspire, encourage, and uplift the millions of single-mom entrepreneurs across the country​!​ Home Business Magazine spoke with Cinevert about her motivation behind launching the show, dealing with people who sell dreams, and more.

Muriam Cinevert

HBM: ​What was the motivation behind creating the show for single women who own businesses?

Cinevert: “The motivation behind the show Single Mompreneurs of Atlanta pretty much came from me, as a single mom of one, not a whole lot (inserts laughter) and who also runs her own business full time. I’ve been running my own business for six years now, so I understand the struggle of raising a child and also raising a business too. Because a business is also like your child, you have to make sure your business is being fed just like your child is being fed. At the same time, I am trying to get my body together by losing weight, getting my health together, and also getting my emotions together because at the same time we go through emotional struggles. I say to myself, if I’m going through this as a single mom who owns her own business, I know there has to be a lot of other single moms out there who are running their own business and also need help getting their bodies together, getting their emotions together and who also don’t understand what it takes to get their businesses to the next level as far as the final show planning, like how do I write a business plan, how do I open a business account. So I took all those things into consideration and created Single Mompreneurs of Atlanta.

On the show you will see the cast members talking to financial consultants to get their businesses on the right track financially, to understand how to budget, or even finding the money to start their businesses. You will see us talking to a life coach, a psychologist because many of us are still going through emotions from things that have happened in the past that we have not let go of. You will also see us working with personal trainers because not only do we have to get the money and the mind together we have to get the body together.”

Danni Rokmor

HBM: Please elaborate on the process of finding the right cast members and the drama that has already started among them.

Cinevert: “Well finding the cast wasn’t that hard. The first thing I did was put a casting call together. I had about three different casting calls and a lot of different females, single moms from different backgrounds showed up at the casting call. However, I was looking for a certain type of personalities and also the vibe. I was going by the vibe that was given between me and the potential cast member. The current cast members that I do have now, we have really good relationships and while they were auditioning for the role, the vibe, the energy, the positive energy felt good. So that’s how I was able to say you, you, you, you know will be the one for this position.

As far as the drama, as you know when you put a group of females together, you’re going to get drama, no matter what. Sometimes you don’t like them very much, some may say, “You think you’re better than me.” But yeah we do have a little bit of drama going on between us but not enough to say we don’t like each other.  At the end of the day we are all friends and the love is still there, and we support one another. I am the show creator and the business advisor for all the cast members on the show, so the priority on the show is to teach and educate the viewers about what it takes to start your own business and what it takes to get it to the next level of success.”

Schelle Purcell

HBM: Touch on dealing with people who sell dreams and/or who try to steal ideas.

Cinevert: “Definitely, you know I’m new to the whole industry of TV and I’ve learned that you can’t really trust people already. A lot of people talk a lot, they talk the talk but have no action. I have met a lot of people who say fake it till you make it and I don’t worry about any of those people. I don’t worry about anyone trying to steal my dreams and ideas because what’s for me will be for me. God put this whole vision together for me, so this was already written in his book for me. I’m not worried about someone coming along and snatching ideas because if someone tried to steal this concept, I can guarantee that it won’t last long because it was not written for that person. I live my life believing that what God has for you will always be for you no matter what.”

HBM: What are the goals of the women who are on the show, as well as their hardships and failures?

Cinevert: “Failures, I don’t think there are going to be any failures but there’s going to be more of better actions. Because the word failure is when you just quit and if something doesn’t go your way you just throw the flag and never do it again. You will see some of our businesses going down the drain or where we have lost money, but that doesn’t stop us from moving forward, we’re going to look at a better strategy and understand what went wrong so it doesn’t happen again. You will see some of the cast as business owners showing what it takes to get clients, what it takes to get their product in a store. How do we even begin understanding the business plan when it comes to marketing, how do you market your business, how can I sell 100 copies of books, what’s the right way to market, what’s the right way to pick up a publicist, what’s the right to get someone to help me take my business to the next level. You will see that there will be a lot of learning curves happening on the show.

My specific business goal is to have a successful show because I look at the Single Mompreneurs of Atlanta as a business since I am the creator. One of my goals is to get viewers and people who may watch the show to say, “Hey, I didn’t know I was supposed to do this.” Or say, “OMG, I have learned something from Schelle, from Tasha, from Danni,” those are the cast members. As far as speaking on their individual goals, that would be something that they’ll have to share, but what I can say is that we all have something in common and that’s to have a successful business and be a helping hand for women looking to start businesses or just to listen to those who need to talk about being a single mom. Especially those who don’t understand or don’t know how even to start a business or how to even get an idea on a business and once I do have an idea, what do I do with it. Where do I go for help with money? That’s my main goal right now for Single Mompreneurs of Atlanta, for us to have a very successful show, we are a TV show that will be a learning curve to the whole world.”

Tasha Diorr

HBM: What do you hope your audience gains from watching the show?

Cinevert: “They are not alone. I know that there are a lot of single moms or even moms period who are looking to start their own business, they get frustrated, they feel like they can’t balance a single mom life and a business together. Some of them just can’t do it. I just want them to watch the show and take away, look I am not alone, this mom, this woman, this entrepreneur cast member is here to let me see that I have a friend, I have a buddy on this channel. I can watch how Muriam did it or how Schelle did it. We’d be words of encouragement to the single moms who are struggling to balance a life of business and raising children.”

HBM: What makes this show stand out among other shows focused on entrepreneurs and startups?

Cinevert: “I’ve gotten a lot in my inbox on social media, like OMG here goes another man-bashing, drama filled reality show. As I’ve mentioned there’s always drama in everyday life. If you have a show or are living your life, there’s going to be some drama, if there’s none at all something isn’t right. There may not be physical drama but there is some drama, if you understand. What will make Single Mompreneurs of Atlanta stand out is the fact that we are everyday typical females. We don’t have mansions, we aren’t filthy rich. We are just like everyday single moms who are out there looking to better our lives for our children, so that’s what is going to make the show stand out. There will be a whole lot of viewers who can connect, they aren’t going to see me in a big 5 million dollar mansion because I just don’t have that. Not right now, I don’t have it. On the show they won’t see me coming from a 200,000 dollar house to a 200,000 million dollar house, but right now there is a connection of hey this is me. She’s living my life. To be able to connect to the viewers, the viewers are not going to feel any less of, “like OMG I can’t drive this car or I would love to do what she does, but look she’s driving a Bentley. I got a Nissan Sentra, I can’t drive that.” We’ll still have them understand that you can get it too because watch me go from here to there.”

HBM: Is there anything that you would like to add?

Cinevert: “Yes, on becoming a single mom. I was married for nine years with my child’s father. I became a single mom about six years ago and I seen the struggle for single mom’s and took the idea of single moms and made it a phenomenal brand. From that, I have created my own organization called, Single Moms Sharing.  I give away 200 dollars every month to single mothers just because a single mom might need help. I have also created the Single Mom’s day which is every February 28th. On this day, if you know of a single mother you’d give her a call and let her know she’s doing a good job raising her children or child by herself. A lot of times as a single mom, you need to hear that you’re doing a great job raising your children and whatever else you’re doing in life.

I’m asking everybody right now to go support us. On Facebook add us or like us at Single Mompreneurs of Atlanta. Also, this is where they can go and sign up for the 200 dollar grant giveaway. I don’t ask for anything in return, this is just a way to give back to the single mom community. Also go on YouTube and like our sizzle reel and confessions. We put a little teaser out there for everyone to watch and see exactly what they are going to be getting from Single Mompreneurs of Atlanta. I’m asking for everyone to go and support us in those ways and to sit tight because we are coming soon, very soon to a network channel near them.”

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