3 Tips to Improve the Health and Safety of Your Business

Opening a new business premises isn’t a task to be taken lightly. Like a general about to take his troops onto the battlefield, you’re going to need to coordinate your plan of action with the utmost meticulousness.

Whether you’re a butcher in need of a hygienic environment, an administrative professional searching for a simple office space, or a bespoke tea cosy manufacturer whose Etsy account has gotten a little out of hand, finding the ideal workplace for you will require the kind of forethought usually reserved for clairvoyants.

The process will become even more complex if you plan on having a few employees working underneath you. Health and safety regulations will hound your thoughts and financial decisions, and prevent you from cutting corners and saving cash.


The blight of bad PR

Ultimately, the safety of your employees has to take prime position when considering what you’d like to establish for your new workplace. Without safety measures in place you’ll likely end up in hot water, whether that’s from health and safety regulators or, even worse, the press.

Just look at the problems encountered by Mike Ashley, the billionaire sports tycoon responsible for countless oversights of employee welfare in his sporting goods stores Sports Direct.

Interviewed in front of a select committee, Ashley was forced to acknowledge the numerous failings of his company to protect its workers.

The result was a media storm. In the eyes of the papers, Ashley became a cartoon villain who twirled his moustache and cackled while handing out zero hour contracts and preventing his staff leaving their work stations for toilet breaks.

His is an extreme example, but it should also be a cautionary tale for any startup that thinks it can shrug off the safety of its employees.

With this in mind, we’ve put together a few strategies to help you establish a working premises that’s safe, secure and of a high-quality.


Stay fire-safe

For whatever reason, human nature has a knack for simply not considering the likelihood of a fire breaking out in their home or business. But it can, and regularly does, happen to thousands of premises across the UK.

For exemplary fire safety, take a look at blast protection walls which can handle any explosions caused by fire, protecting your workplace from any outburst of flames and allowing you to call 999 without worrying about the spread of flames.

Stay secure

Security systems are vital for protecting your employees – and for keeping an eye on them. Invest in CCTV systems, secure doors only accessible via password, and a safe to hold any money. That way, you won’t stay up all night worrying about burglaries in your workplace.

Copyright: opolja / 123RF Stock Photo
Copyright: opolja / 123RF Stock Photo

Stay vigilant

Keeping an eye on your workplace’s safety and security is vital to its successful operation. You’re not running a home business anymore. Now, you’re in the big leagues. It’s time to act like it and keep your workplace in great shape. So stay vigilant.

Can you think of any security tips we’ve missed out? Then let us know in the comments below.

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