The 3 Key Concepts for Successful Sales in Your Home Business

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Depositphotos 56582885 m 2015 e1503699023394

So what’s the buzz all about? If you have a prospect asking you that question, that is music to your ears. Last week, a prospect told me how he could not wait to attend our Titan Sales Boot Camp in Chicago this coming January. He was referred by a very satisfied client. He was so enthusiastic by what my client had to say, he was even making me excited on the phone. He wound up committing to send 5 people to the program.

It should be your goal to get a call like this everyday — a prospect calling you because of the enthusiastic referral he received from someone else. The only way you will get these referrals is if you create the right buzz in the marketplace.

We have all heard the maxim of having to walk our talk. We not only have to walk our talk, but we must ensure that all of our actions support the sales message we are delivering to the world.

Back Up Your Product with Superior Service

If you are selling a quality product, how is the quality of your service? A quality product with personal service that falls short of expectations nullifies the exceptional product quality. Recently, I had to engage legal counsel to handle a personal matter. The lawyer referred to me came with a great recommendation. During the process of seeing whether or not we would work together, he asked me to speak to one of his specialists. During the phone interview, the woman was tentative, talked about how tired she was, and tossed in a few other signals that took away from the polished image I had of the lawyer.

This was a classic case of where the words used, attitude displayed, and actions taken did not support the quality image this very successful lawyer wanted the world to see. Grant you, this lawyer is still very successful. But in my eyes, I had to do everything I could to get past the other perception I was under as a result of this interview.

Analyze Your Existing Efforts to Generate Buzz

Take a look at what you are saying to your market. Here are some things you should consistently monitor to ensure you create the level of buzz required to supercharge your sales efforts. FYI, when we use the term “message” below, we are referring to your differentiating value.

1) Do your words support your message?
2) Do your actions support your message?
3) Is your follow-up strong enough to support your message?
4) Are you exceeding customer expectations?
5) Are you motivating customers to enthusiastically tell others about your products and services?
6) Are you selling from a customer-focused mindset vs. a self-focused mindset?
7) Are you having fun?

Stay Upbeat and Positive

The last point is crucial. It is very hard to motivate others when you yourself are down and not thrilled with what you are doing. You need to have fun. Think about when you buy things — is there any difference in buying things from someone who is motivated and having fun vs. someone just taking an order? You may buy things from the latter, but chances are the experience will not be memorable enough to motivate you to share it with others.

Sales and marketing is not just about getting the order today. It is about closing business and setting the stage for the next order. It is about creating a buzz that attracts prospects to you. It is about creating a momentum that leads to bigger and better results in a shorter period of time. It is about your customers being happy and shouting it out to the world. And yes, it is about you being successful and happy. Create the right buzz and see the results it will have on your success.

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