A User-Friendly Guide to Estimating Damages After an Accident in Chicago

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If you’re in Chicago and you’ve been in an accident, you’re probably wondering how much it’s going to cost to get things back to normal. But don’t worry, we’re here to guide you through it, step by step, just like a friend who’s been through it before.

One of the most important things to consider after an accident is estimating the damages you’ve incurred. This can be a complex process, but with the right information, you can get a better understanding of what you may be entitled to.

The top Chicago personal injury lawyers can offer you all of the information you need and more.

The Different Types of Damages That You Can Claim

Before we dig into the details, you first have to understand the types of damages you can claim after an accident in Chicago. There are two main categories: economic and non-economic damages.

Economic damages are the tangible, easily quantifiable losses you’ve suffered. These include things like medical bills, repair costs for your vehicle, and lost wages if you’ve had to take time off work. These damages are typically straightforward to calculate because they come with a clear price tag attached to them.

Non-economic damages, on the other hand, are a bit trickier to put price tags on. These typically cover the intangible losses, like pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life, all of those things that you can see yet can’t deny the extent of their weight on the victim.

How to Calculate Economic Damages

For starters, you need to gather up all your medical stuff, like bills, receipts, and everything else that shows expenditures from your own finances. The more you have, the easier it’ll be to figure out how much you’re out of pocket.

Next, get a few estimates for your car repairs. Chicago auto repair shops do not operate with a single quotation, so you’ll have to shop around and jot down prices. If your car’s total loss, you’ll need to figure out what it was worth before the accident.

Don’t forget about the money you’ve lost from work. If you’ve missed days, gather your pay stubs or a letter from your boss. And if your injury is going to affect your future earnings, you might need to estimate how much you’ll miss out on.

Last but not least, you should also keep track of any extra expenses. This could be stuff like transportation, help around the house, or even the cost of a babysitter if you’re injured. Every little bit counts, so don’t forget anything.

When you add all these numbers together, you’ll have a total for your economic damages. This is the first major component of your damage estimate and will likely be the easiest to calculate because it’s based on concrete numbers.

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How to Calculate None Economic Damages

Having calculated the easier part, let’s move on to the intangible aspects that are trickier.

Pain and suffering is a big one. It’s hard to put a price on it, but courts often use a “multiplier” method. They multiply your other damages by a number to estimate how much you’re owed for the pain and stress.

Emotional distress is another big deal. If you’ve been feeling anxious or depressed, therapy records can help. Like pain and suffering, you can use a multiplier method here too.

Loss of enjoyment of life is about the things you can’t do anymore. If your injuries have changed your life, you might be able to claim for that. This is applicable even if you lose a loved one due to negligence.

You don’t have to take on the headache of figuring out what type of damage to seek compensation for. With a competent lawyer by your side, all you have to do is show up when needed and provide them with the necessary details they can use to build a rock-solid case on your behalf, allowing you to focus on your recovery.

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