Anik Singal’s Inbox Blueprint 2.0: Complete Online Business Model for Home-Based Entrepreneurs

The Inbox Blueprint 2.0, the sequel to Anik Singal’s blockbuster internet marketing training program Inbox Blueprint (launched in January 2014) has been released on May 5 worldwide.

This is a very good news for home-based entrepreneurs trying to make a living online. Inbox Blueprint 2.0 is a comprehensive, everything-covered training program offering progressive procedural lessons on how one can use email subscriptions to build a successful online marketing business. These lessons come in many forms: video tutorials, written tutorials and even personal coaching!

Inbox Blueprint

Inbox Blueprint, first launched in 2014, sold over 10,000 copies and successfully introduced many students to online marketing. The new launch promises to be even more exciting as it now includes a member’s forum, ready funnels to be used in your, ready-made squeeze pages and auto-responder templates.

Take a peek into the system!

These are the basic steps you will be following when you start with the program:

Step 1: Launchpad

Step 2: Join the members Forum

Step 3: Inbox Coaching Calls

Step 4: Sendlane Autoresponder Service

Step 5: ClickPerfect

There are 9 different modules, broken down into progressive, easy-to-follow steps that even a newbie could follow. I will try to get you familiarized with each module so you know what to expect if you enroll in the program.

1. Introduction

Pretty much self-explanatory. The module introduces you to the coaches, explains what this is all about (spoiler: it’s about email marketing) and what you are supposed to expect from the program.

2. Addiction meter

Explains what niches are, and how to find suitable niches for email marketing.

3. The Bait

This module covers everything you need to get your clients interested and opt-in through your squeeze pages.

4. Thank you pages

This module explains how you can make the best out of your “Thank you” pages. Once a subscriber opts in, he is taken to the “Thank you” page. While most marketers would leave their prospective clients there, the Inbox Blueprint 2.0 program shows you how you can direct these clients to take additional actions that bring in more profit.

5. Email machine

This section will introduce you to auto responders like Aweber and iContact, and show you how to set them up to send automatic responses to your subscribers.

6. Maintaining Relationships

This section focuses on how you can maintain solid rapport with your subscribers and consistently provide them with valuable content to keep them engaged and interested.

7. Payday Secrets

At this stage, Anik shows you some real case studies on this popular online niche, payday loans! This module also teaches you how to create a product of your own, and integrate your offering with other affiliate products to enhance your earnings.

8. Easy traffic

This module is all about traffic. Learn how to use forums, blogs, paid advertising, social media platforms and other channels to bring in consistent high quality traffic to your opt-in pages.

9. Unlimited Success

This module teaches you how to survive and sustain a profitable business model in the fast-changing internet marketing landscape.

If you are interested in receiving even more information about the Inbox Blueprint 2.0 program, please visit this site:

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