New Digital Marketing Strategies for Builders and Contractors in 2023


New digital marketing strategies for builders and contractors are the result of a metamorphosis that has taken place in the construction industry. For years, construction contractors relied heavily on word-of-mouth and referrals to generate new business. However, the explosion of social media and online marketing makes it less effective for smaller players than before. Contractors can use numerous digital marketing platforms to promote their services, but they have to know what platform works best.

1. Find Your Target Audience

While most of us are aware that social media platforms are the perfect tools for marketing a business, not all of us have time to post regularly on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn. If you are strapped for time, there is an easier way to get the job done. Some third-party companies specialize in digital marketing and can post on your behalf. Find a company with a solid reputation and start working with them today.

2. Have a Goal-Oriented Website

More than having a website is required. You have to give your target audience a reason to visit your site. Whether the services you provide, the project portfolio value, or other things, make sure it is easy for people to look at your website. For example, if you are providing information about a construction estimating software when renovating your house and want to keep the visitors on the webpages, ensure that the visuals are simple and the pages are easy to scan.

3. Social Media Marketing

Billions of people actively use social media in their daily lives. This gives a great opportunity to get your name out there if you know how to use socials correctly. By tapping into these sites’ existing user bases, you can reach the right audiences and create awareness about your business.

4. In-Person Marketing

With the invention of the internet, there is no limit to what you can accomplish if you have a good vision. Don’t just rely on your social media presence to promote your business; in-person marketing is integral to digital marketing strategy. You need to go out there and make people aware that you exist in your community.

5. Keyword Research

Before you build your site or decide on your social media campaign, ensure you have comprehensive keyword research. This will help you understand how people search for services like yours and how to reach them. This is the only way to make sure that your potential customers find you online.

6. Google Ads

To maximize your return on investment with Google Ads, you need to do keyword research and find the most relevant keywords for your business. You can then determine which ads will bring you the highest number of clicks and ultimately maximize your return on investment. Your ads can be placed anywhere on the web so long as they suit your business well.

7. Assessment of Your Business Model

A good business model is one of the most important aspects of a successful marketing campaign. If your plan is not solid, your entire digital marketing strategy will crumble before you know it. You must ensure that you take the time to assess your business model and create a digital plan that suits it perfectly. Creating a culture of innovation in your company is also an essential part of this process.

8. Directories

If you are looking for a quick, efficient way to generate traffic to your website, consider using directories. With these tools, finding new customers in a particular directory is easy and fast. This is ideal if you are looking to generate new leads, because the placement on major directories ensures that people know about your business. There are a lot of directories out there, but some of the most popular ones include Yellow Pages and Yelp.

9. Start with a Blog

The construction industry is a highly competitive market, which is one reason you need to be vocal online. If you want to get ahead of the pack and ensure that your business stands out in this field, you need to have a blog where you can share your expertise. If done right, your blog will improve your search presence and SEO performance — two important aspects of digital marketing that cannot be ignored.

Final Thoughts

In the past, contractors and builders were more dependent upon word-of-mouth marketing. Only those with a good reputation could survive in the industry. If you are looking for long-term success, it is time to upgrade your marketing strategy and get with the times. New digital marketing strategies can help build a solid image for your business on the internet and drive traffic to your site.

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