How to Build a Great Startup Website


Websites are no longer just things that businesses should consider. Having a website is essential, especially for startup businesses to pave their ways into the markets. If you are the owner of a startup, getting a well-planned website up and running is one of your top priorities.

Why is a website so important, you ask? Even the implementation of the simplest website greatly benefits your business. Startups often face stiff competition in their respective markets. A website helps you to secure a presence in the market, attract traffic towards your business, boost your credibility, and open up new business platforms like online retail.

The challenge lies in building a great website. You are probably familiar with this if you are unhappy with your current startup website or struggling to set up your first website.

Building a Great Website

Here is how to build a great website for your startup.

1. Plan Your Startup Website

Every great website has an efficient and effective site plan at its core. Creating an easy-to-navigate and informative website is vital. Think about it; nobody likes navigating around something that is poorly planned and troublesome to get through.

Determine the goal or purpose of your website. For example, you want a site that allows customers to order goods online. On the other hand, you possibly want a site that informs customers about your business and gives them a way to communicate with you. This influences how you plan and build your website.

Once you outlined your objective, make a plan to reach it. Fancy features and designs are not the priorities at this point. Here it helps to understand the difference between information architecture vs sitemap. These two aspects are keys to planning a website that satisfies your customers.

2. Secure a Good Domain Name

The domain name is one of the most important upfront decisions you need to make about your startup website. This is the web address that customers use to access your website. Potential customers, clients, or investors likely do research on your business, oftentimes starting here.

What you choose as a domain name is up to you, but here are a few tips you to follow to select an optimal name:

  • Keep it related to your business.
  • Easier to type means easier to remember.
  • Make it as short as possible.
  • Avoid domain names that do not make sense or do not link to your business.
  • Research and understand domain name extensions (examples: .com and .net).
  • Avoid numbers and special characters.

Your domain name is how people reach your website. Ensure it is memorable, and that you are happy with your choice from the start. It is complicated to change the domain later on because you need to inform your current client base of the change.

It is important to secure your domain name before proceeding with the other steps included in this list. Domain names are limited, and the sooner you register a domain name, the more likely it is that you get the one you want.


3. Use a Reliable Hosting Service

Web hosting is just as important as the previous point. In short, web hosting is how you get your website on the internet. These services also usually provide you with the tools needed to build a website. When choosing a domain hosting service, look for one that is cost-effective and scalable.

Furthermore, a good domain hosting service provides reliable and fast access to your website. This enables visitors to have satisfying user experiences. It also offers good customer support. Finally, the service has security features to ensure your data remains safe.

4. Maintain Your Brand

Every business owner understands the brands of their businesses. After completing all the functional aspects, the next priority is to ensure your website strongly conveys your brand. Consider logo, slogan, motto, tone, language, and everything else that brings out your brand. Consider these when deciding on a style and color scheme for your website.

5. Keep the Design Simple

When it comes to websites, less is more. You do not need an out-of-the-ordinary design or layout — that is for your content. A simple, straightforward site that is easy to understand is all you need for your startup.

Ensure that visitors have smooth experiences and can find everything without having to look too hard. People are more likely to leave if they have trouble finding what they are looking for.

6. Stick to a Small Color Palette

Once again, less is more. A small selection of two or three main colors is generally more visually appealing than going overboard with your color scheme. Choose a few colors that fit with your business and brand. Stick to them.

Much of the same goes for your font styles. Like colors, it is best to pick a few that work well together and suit your brand. Then, keep them consistent across your website.

7. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO rankings determine how likely your business appears in search results. You possibly invest in it in the future, so it is better to start optimizing things from the beginning. A good SEO campaign increases your exposure and attracts more visitors to your page.


Whether you run a small business or a single-person monetized blog, a great startup website is essential for attracting attention. Follow the points listed in this article to build a solid foundation. Remember that it is not necessary to follow the steps listed here in a particular order. Furthermore, each of these steps is flexible. If you do something that is not working, go ahead and make adjustments to suit your needs.

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